Was there ever a Halloween night that frightened you badly?

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Was there ever a Halloween night that frightened you badly?

Post by Nostalgiascape » Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:33 pm

If you have a frightening , horrifying or eerie true Halloween night story, please share it with us.
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Re: Was there ever a Halloween night that frightened you bad

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:40 pm

Well, I did have such a Halloween night, but not in the traditional sense of the word. It was my very 2nd year at my house in Dwight, and I had my front door opened so I could answer the bell for the ToTers. I was screening "The Omen," and ToT was just starting to die down. Anyway, it was long after dark, and I see a flash light shining inside the house. I'm about only half awake so I start getting scared. The next thing I noticed, there were two cops and my neighbor standing over me, and I must have jumped clear out of my skin.

They wanted to make sure I was okay, but it still scared the bejeebers out of me. Sort of a good Halloween scare. I offered eveyone a 'trick or treat,' and we had a good laugh.


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Re: Was there ever a Halloween night that frightened you bad

Post by Nostalgiascape » Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:46 pm

Oh that counts, LOL. Go to sleep after watching the Omen wake up to human figures in your house standing over you, shoot yes, thats a certafiable frightening moment. LOL.
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Re: Was there ever a Halloween night that frightened you bad

Post by ScarecrowJack » Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:19 pm

When I was wee little, maybe 5, my mom took my older brothers to a haunted house. I was too little to go in and she left me in a seating area and went to get me cocoa or something. A guy came over in a werewolf mask and asked me if I wanted a piece of candy. I distinctly remember this werewolf asking "Do you want a piece of candy, little girl?" Well, I started screaming at the top of my lungs. My mother came running over and to check on me. She couldn't get me to stop screaming. The poor guy wasn't trying to scare me, took his mask off and apologized but I would not calm down. My mom wasn't angry with the guy, but total strangers were carping on him for scaring me. Eventually, I calmed down but god was I scarred of that guy.

Love werewolves now, though, and Halloween. Funny how things turn out. ;)
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Re: Was there ever a Halloween night that frightened you bad

Post by VanHelsingStandIn » Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:50 pm

I was working one Halloween night and about 10:00pm got a call about a car wreck out on the Interstate. I got there and an MG convertible had slid under the back of an 18-wheeler and the girl sitting on the passenger side had been decapitated and her head was in the back seat.

It had been raining real hard and we put a tarp over the vehicle and got the 18-wheeler to move up so we could remove the body. By this point the medical examiners people were there and they removed the girls body, but were afraid to touch the head.

The girl was a very pretty brunette, who was 22 years old and was in college, but was home for a wedding the next day, or day after that. I can't recall now. The driver of the car was the girl who was supposed to be getting married.

Both had been drinking heavily after going to a bachelorette party and they were following too close to the 18-wheeler. The 18-wheeler hit his breaks suddenly, when the car in front of him hit his breaks and this started a chain reaction.

The MGs tire were not in great shape and should have been changed, but even if they had its doubtful they could have stopped in time.

The driver hit her breaks and realized her car was going to slide up under the truck. She got down real low and the rear bumper missed her. It did not miss the passenger, and after smashing through the windshield, the bumber took the passengers head off at the lower part of the neck.

The driver was suffering from the collision from cuts and bruises but was mainly in heavy shock when realizing her best friend had been killed.

It started to rain pretty heavy again and it was one of those things you just do to get through the night and the job.

I did it more like a robot than human, but I walked over to the car and looked at the head and saw her eyes were still open, so I picked it up and tried to close the eyes as best I could, but they were still partly open.

I walked over to the heavy canvas body bag and opened it up, and as best as I could, I put the head on the shoulder/neck area and then zipped the bag back up.

I rationalized that if that had been my daughter, I hoped someone would have shown the same courtesy to her. I got off duty at midnight and was supposed to go to a halloween party that was nearby.

Instead I just went home and went to bed. I really didn't feel like partying.

The scary thing is that after all these years, just out of the blue and for no real reason, I'll have that girls face pop into my mind. I guess I'll be seeing it until the day I die.

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Re: Was there ever a Halloween night that frightened you bad

Post by witchy » Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:02 pm

Oh my gosh, thats aweful!! I'm soo sorry!! That is one job I could never do!!! :cry:

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Re: Was there ever a Halloween night that frightened you bad

Post by Murfreesboro » Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:56 pm

That's a truly horrific story, VanHelsing.

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Re: Was there ever a Halloween night that frightened you bad

Post by VanHelsingStandIn » Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:46 pm

It's why cops and soldiers after awhile possess a bizzare sense of humor and love halloween. Because halloween is safe and fun! Its the real world that has the monsters!

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Re: Was there ever a Halloween night that frightened you bad

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:33 am

VanHelsing, I could never even imagine what police officers and military people go through on an every day basis. I've heard simular stories from my cousen, uncle and verious friends who were police officers. I, myself was a Volunteer fireman in New Lenox when I was "in between" jobs after graduationg from college. Shortly after I started at my present job, on my 24th Birthday, July 24th, 1984 to be exact, the Union Oil refinery exploded, killing and maming a lot of people. When we arrived, there were bodies that were burned so badly that I couldn't even tell if they were men or women. Additionaly I was put on the nozzel that was spraying a hydrogen taki and the outter shell of that tank was SO HOT, that the water was actualy boiling off as it hit it. It was pretty scary, and a h e l l of a way to spend my Golden Birthday.

Another time, we were actualy buning down an old house for some land owner who didn't want it there any more. We use places like that for practice, and that way the land owner doesn't have to pay a contractor to tear it down. Anyway, it was my teams turn to go in and put out the fire. I was the back up man to the Nozzel man, and while the nozzel man was trying to put out the fire, the floor gave out under neath me, and I was hanging onto the hose to keep from ending up in the basement, so the nozzel man had trouble aiming the water stream properly. He did get the fire out, though, and when I finaly did let go of the hose, I was stuck, and it took 3 guys to pull me out. After that, they decided to just start up the fire again and let the house burn to the ground. I took out my camera and took nice SAFE photographs.


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Re: Was there ever a Halloween night that frightened you bad

Post by VanHelsingStandIn » Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:36 pm

I know quite a few cops and soldiers who are like me and love Halloween. I'm sure it has to do with Halloween being something we know isn't real, but allows you to have fun and get scared and relieve stress.

With zombies and vampires and werewolves and ghouls and demons running around and yelling and what not, you can lose yourself in the fantasy and know when you walk out of the party or the haunted house attraction that it was all in fun.

I think all normal humans need to feel the vicarious thrill of this time of year. Remember that old saying: We all need to go crazy once in awhile or we will surely go insane!

Halloween does that for us I think.

This year I plan on going to Netherworld and Six Flags Over Georgia to their haunted house and end of the season ride on all the rides. I've been looking forward to it since last year!

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Re: Was there ever a Halloween night that frightened you bad

Post by Boogeyman » Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:42 pm

I am looking forward to doing the same thing at Cedar Point next year in Ohio. The park has 12 rollercoasters and will have a new one open next year. If I can find a job that is...

I hope you have a great time VH.
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Re: Was there ever a Halloween night that frightened you bad

Post by VanHelsingStandIn » Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:44 pm

Had a good buddy from Ashland who took me to Cedar Point years ago. Man! I could stay on those Coasters all day!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Was there ever a Halloween night that frightened you bad

Post by Nostalgiascape » Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:47 pm

I think that Police Officers earn the same amount of respect that Soldiers get. They are both amazing people. I remember as a civilian pulling over to stand by a freshly hit corpse ion the road and calling 911 untill someone with blankets and flares arrived. Things were understandably torn and twisted.

We have to remember as humans who are good, that we must some how overcome at least at the moment it happens, horrors that happen to the unfortunate so we can do what we can. Even as civillians.
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Re: Was there ever a Halloween night that frightened you bad

Post by NeverMore » Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:45 am

I don't know... my buddy who became a cop a few years ago has completely lost his sense of humor. Then again, his beat is in Southeast San Diego. He'd probably be less uptight if he were patrolling, say... Rancho Santa Fe or La Jolla?

I also gotta figure cops hate working on Halloween? Punks running around in masks, making them hard to identify? Most stores around here don't let you in if you are wearing one. Makes it tough for people like me who prefer wearing makeup and facial prosthetics.

Back to topic. I can't think of any time I've really been frightened. I'm usually the one doing the frightening. I remember, when I was younger, my buddy's three sisters were watching scary movies on Halloween night. I climbed up the balconies to their third floor apartment and started scratching on the door. When the one sister got up and started heading toward the door I burst through in my monster mask. There was a lot of screaming and pee to clean up. So glad they didn't have a gun.

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Re: Was there ever a Halloween night that frightened you bad

Post by Boogeyman » Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:28 am

NeverMore wrote:
I don't know... my buddy who became a cop a few years ago has completely lost his sense of humor. Then again, his beat is in Southeast San Diego. He'd probably be less uptight if he were patrolling, say... Rancho Santa Fe or La Jolla?

I also gotta figure cops hate working on Halloween? Punks running around in masks, making them hard to identify? Most stores around here don't let you in if you are wearing one. Makes it tough for people like me who prefer wearing makeup and facial prosthetics.

Which then leads to this...

There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.

Henry David Thoreau

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