Foggers or Misters?

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Foggers or Misters?

Post by Faceless » Fri Aug 22, 2008 5:56 am

So, I have yet to own a Fogger or Mister however I have seen a couple on some sites Im interested in buying...Already know where they will go.
My question is to anyone that owns or knows more about them than I do....
If I use an indoor Fogger is it bad health wise???
Same with mister, However I think that I already know, if Im correct, it simply uses water to create the mist therfore no worries?
Also, which gives off the best effect? Fogger/Mister?
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
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Re: Foggers or Misters?

Post by Alan Wake » Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:38 pm

I don't use indoor foggers.

Why? When my Karate school had a Halloween party at the YMCA, it set off the alarm system.

The indoor foggers use a mineral oil base, not the best to breath in.

"But nightmares exist outside of logic, and there's little fun to be had in explanations; they're antithetical to the poetry of fear." - Stephen King

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Re: Foggers or Misters?

Post by Shawnodese » Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:43 pm

The fogger gives off the best also hisses and spits and the noise scares the <deleted> out of people LOL... Ours is set on a timer and we use it outdoors right at the bush next to the door... its hidden and goes off at random. We also have a control switch that we can use to make it go off if we see someone coming that is in "need" of a good scare.

We did not care for the misters as anyone with makeup on had to stay clear of them... the effect is not quite the same as a rolling fog and there is no noise to scare folks with. The mister is nice for the summer out on a back porch.

I would go to a halloween shop and watch them in use before you buy to be sure it suits the purpose you intend it for. Some of them are pretty pricey and it would suck to get something you are not happy with.
HALLOWEEN... is there anything else to life?

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