Is anyone else appalled . . .

Discussion of general Halloween topics
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Re: Is anyone else appalled . . .

Post by myteemouth » Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:16 pm

writerpatrick wrote:I tend to find it's age related. The young ones go out around 6pm and they gradually get older until 9pm when they seem to stop. Older kids seem to prefer to wait until dark when it is scarier.

I don't think it's a bad idea for the small kids to get around early since they tend to have early bedtimes. Of course it's a poor idea to go around before 6pm because a lot of people aren't home from work yet.

What I find truly appalling are all those people who don't bother to decorate their homes for Halloween and don't even give out candy. It's understandable if they're just not home because they have to work but some people are just plain selfish. When I was a kid at least every other home gave out candy. Now you get whole blocks not participating.

It's heartbreaking for kids to spend time going from house to house not to get any answer and as more people don't participate then fewer kids will too.

yeah I find that upsetting too-Im hoping to get decorations up this weekend-but candy is always given out at least by me
Forgive me Father, for I am about to sin"-I Spit On Your Grave (2010)

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