Spell pages

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Spell pages

Post by Amanda » Sun Sep 12, 2010 6:00 pm

I bought a book at a second hand store, pasted the pages together (all but the center where it'll be propped open on the mantle.

Where I'm stuck is, I don't know what to have on those 2 pages. I've looked for spells on line but can't find anything worth copying.

Does anyone have a book of spells they made? What did you put on the pages that it's opened to?


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Re: Spell pages

Post by MacPhantom » Sun Sep 12, 2010 10:55 pm

Spellwork seems to involve two main ingredients; objects and incantations. The objects range from symbolic items like keys, mirrors, athames (a ceremonial knife or dagger), lockets or pendents, to active items like cauldrons (for mixing potions), herbs, candles, smudging tools (bundles of dried herbs lit to smolder), crystals, and wands. The incantations can be poetic, or straightforward, or in an impressive sounding language like Latin.

Those two open pages are your chance to be creative! Think of two basic spells, one per page. Maybe a love spell for one, and a curse for the other. Think of the sort of objects you would use for each spell (say a locket and some lavender for the love spell, and the eye of a frog and the toe-nail of a bat for the curse). Then, write the spell out like a recipe; an ingredients list, followed by directions for how to do the spell (rhyming if you've got a lyric wit, or straight forward if you don't). Throw in an incantation in Latin, and directions for which way to wave a wand. Use a red or black sharpie, and maybe write with your non-dominant hand so it looks like it was done by a semi-literate old forest witch. Splatter it with some drops of food coloring, so it looks well used like any good recipe.


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Re: Spell pages

Post by Murfreesboro » Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:22 pm

Mac, you sound as if you've done this before!! :lol:

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Re: Spell pages

Post by MacPhantom » Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:32 pm

Heh heh heh... Actually, I haven't.... But I like the idea so much, I think I'm gonna try it!

Okay, I'll admit. I'm just looking for an excuse to glue the pages of a book together. :mrgreen:

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Re: Spell pages

Post by Amanda » Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:23 am

Thanks, not sure how creative I am but I'll give it a go!

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Re: Spell pages

Post by witchy » Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:17 am

Amanda I'm sure it'll turn out great!! Google helps me with alot of thing, I would try that if all else fails!!!

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Re: Spell pages

Post by Andybev01 » Tue Sep 14, 2010 3:55 pm

MacPhantom wrote:Heh heh heh... Actually, I haven't.... But I like the idea so much, I think I'm gonna try it!

Okay, I'll admit. I'm just looking for an excuse to glue the pages of a book together. :mrgreen:
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Re: Spell pages

Post by MacPhantom » Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:59 pm

I haven't the mustache for that.

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