by Pumpkin_Man » Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:27 pm
Here's how I see it. In order for a town to truely be the "all perfect" Halloween town, every house would have to be a MINIMUM of 100 years old, so we would be making house movers very rich. Secondly, we need a huge pumpkin patch where everyone can pick their own pumpkin to make Jack O'Lanterns. A spooky old cemetery is also essential, one that's supposedly haunted, and for an added feature, supposedly contains at least one grave that's supposedly a vampire's grave. It s for that reason that we would have to find the cemetery in an isolated spot, and then build the town around it some how. The local library would have to be stocked with plenty of horror and ghots stories in book and movie format. The town jail would have to be a chamber of horrors complete with torture devices and a couple of skelitons. All the roads leading into the town would be one way only, and would not lead out, but only in to the town. The town undertaker would double as the mayer, and there wiould be a town square where huge Halloween bonfires would be celebrated. Of course, Halloween would be a local holiday, and every time the 13th of the Month falls on a friday, a special "Little Halloween" observance would be held. Trick or Treat would be for the entire day of Halloween, and the candy would all be freshly maid for the event. MOST IMPORTANTLY, this town would need scary legends, ghost stories and fables. We need people to hear a weaarwolf houling in the adjoining woods, people seeing ghosts, perhaps an appearance by the vampire, and plenty of ghosts, orbs and things that go "bump" in the night.