For reference, These two pictures are what I want to look like;
I'm using 6" PVC pipes for the arms and legs, buying a couple funnels for the hat and nose, using a ribbon to tie the hat on and put studs on it, spraypaint the whole thing silver- I want to look real.
I would like to spout smoke as well, but that is a difficult part. My original idea involved a cup glued to the inside of the funnel, and when filled with dry ice and hot water, it would spout steam- But instead, I think it would be more realistic to fill the tip of the funnel with talcum powder and then use a small pipe leading down the back of my head, through my right sleeve and into a bubble concealed in my glove to blow air through the powder, making smoke.
I will be using silver spray paint for the main costume, along with silver facepaint for my face. I would like to rust the joints with a slight brownish-copper tinge, too, for a better look.
Lastly, I can't come up with what I should use for the chest/top of chest/shoulders/collar.
In all, I need help with three things; How to make the smoke from the funnel, How to make the rust appearance and what to make the chestpiece out of.
Any suggestions?
Thanks for your help!