Fireside Frights

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Re: Fireside Frights

Post by litemareb4xmas » Mon Mar 16, 2009 2:58 pm

at least it won't be too hard to make another now.
a great program ya'll may find useful is the rasterbater, it a free app I ust to blow things up for tracing
I'm going back to bed, kids got me sick and have been in a nyquil induced coma since sun morn!
Last edited by litemareb4xmas on Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fireside Frights

Post by TK421 » Mon Mar 16, 2009 3:59 pm

Sorry to hear you're under the weather. Hope you feel better soon.
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Re: Fireside Frights

Post by TK421 » Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:07 pm


Your link didn't work. I realize it was typed in as ".bom", but I tried several variations and couldn't find a direct site for rasterbastor.

I did find this site:

I'm guessing this is the same program.
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Re: Fireside Frights

Post by litemareb4xmas » Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:03 pm

see what happens when ya type on nyquil???
yes that's the right program...
Last edited by litemareb4xmas on Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fireside Frights

Post by litemareb4xmas » Fri Mar 20, 2009 2:57 am

Well Mr Grim Reaper gave up and didn't get me this time, I had a bad cold/flu as ya'll could tell.
Thank God for Nyquil!
Yesterday my new 16 channel controller came, now I have 16 more extension cords to find, a new name for my show, not to mention a new home to haunt, props to redo[lol], props to begin, that's it, Monday I'm heading to Mexico for some sunshine and R&R!

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Re: Fireside Frights

Post by litemareb4xmas » Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:29 am

it's a work in progress, but if ya haven't checked out my website here it is
Hopefully I can get it done before next season! :roll:

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Re: Fireside Frights

Post by litemareb4xmas » Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:55 am

Oh yeah, TK if you have downloaded the lightorama demo version I can start sending you the files once I have your email address.
I have a lot so I can send ya few with the mp3's and I'll burn the rest to a dvd.
Your demo will let you program away, once you get controllers you'll have to get the full version, I might be able to help you out on that though, will explain later.
Nyquils hitting me hard now, so I'll go retire to my coffin, til my darling wench wakes me up in a few hours to go to work.
Then I kick the boy off to school, the girls down sick so don't have to worry there.
Back to the coffin til 9 or 10. Ugh= Hallowed eve to you all on this chilly spring solstice eve,least I think it comes tomorrow~~~~
I'll be 3 days late to see the cool show of the snake coming down the pyramid in chichen IItza
major bummer! :cheese:
Last edited by litemareb4xmas on Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fireside Frights

Post by TK421 » Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:52 pm

Thanks, I'll download the demo version this weekend and see what I can figure out.

Hey, at least you got sick before your trip to Mexico, rather than getting sick when you're down there.
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Re: Fireside Frights

Post by litemareb4xmas » Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:56 pm

As long as I don't bring home Montezuma I'll be happy. Benn there twice when I was a kid, living on the bathroom floor for a week. Good times....

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Re: Fireside Frights

Post by litemareb4xmas » Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:18 pm

I just found what I've been looking for, notice correct spelling of cemetery too. Can't wait to build this!
cemetery gate.JPG
cemetery gate.JPG (95.47 KiB) Viewed 18509 times

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Re: Fireside Frights

Post by TK421 » Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:09 pm

That looks fantastic! Great detail. Love the lights and the cracks in the pillars. The gargoyles at the top add a nice touch. Do you think the gate is actual iron, or black pvc pipe?

You gonna to build the whole thing out of plywood? MDF? Chicken wire and mortar? :lol:
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Re: Fireside Frights

Post by litemareb4xmas » Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:30 pm

Here's where I got it from, wish I could find 2 frames on the side of the road! ... id=4736418
I've just been checking out a new site I stumbled across ... 20Projects

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Re: Fireside Frights

Post by litemareb4xmas » Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:47 pm

Well I'm back, had a wild trip, went to a few mayan ruins, Chichen Itza and Ek Balam, even came across a mayan cemetery, unfortunately there was nowhere to pull over to get a better pic, also the skull rack at Chichen Itza was really cool, too many pix to show!
mayan cemetery.jpg
mayan cemetery.jpg (126.94 KiB) Viewed 18491 times
skull rack.jpg
skull rack.jpg (193.42 KiB) Viewed 18490 times
skull rack 2.jpg
skull rack 2.jpg (197.74 KiB) Viewed 18491 times

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Re: Fireside Frights

Post by Rising Dead Man » Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:12 pm

Freaking awesome pics!!
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As though it were a slightly sour sweet.
Let terror, then, be turned into a treat...
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Re: Fireside Frights

Post by litemareb4xmas » Tue May 05, 2009 1:03 am

The Cemetery gate spelled right this time, making progress...
SANY1684.JPG (161.09 KiB) Viewed 18453 times
SANY1683.JPG (133.27 KiB) Viewed 18454 times
SANY1685.JPG (227.15 KiB) Viewed 18453 times

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