Ouija board

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Re: Ouija board

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:12 pm

Maybe not so wiers, RisingDeadMan. Remember the old cliche: "Speak of the devil and he will appear." The sin that got satan banished from Heaven was pride. When you mention his name, he does come around, and I try not to cater to his pride by refusing to capitolise his name or the name of hell. It also stands to reason that you could also be inviting other unclean spirits in by mimicing them or challenging them. I've done it many times, and it's never happend yet, but when it comes do devils or satan, I tread lightly.


Haunt Master

Re: Ouija board

Post by Haunt Master » Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:31 pm

Well, honestly I really don't know about your parents thought. I've never heard anything like what you just said. But I remember when I was little boy and my elder uncle loved to play with me all the time by putting the flashlight under his face with light on. He looked very scary to me! :shock: He almost looked like an old man from the movie, I believe in Phantasm, but I'm not sure.

And, he didn't even attract to any evil spirits or any supernatural things like that. :?
Well, the truth... with no lights in a room while playing with the flashlight under your face to show off and scary everybody, that looks frightful! :shock:
Rising Dead Man wrote:Ok this is kind of off topic, but I just wanted to see what you think.

One night when the power went out I had a flashlight under my face and made scary moaning noises in front of my mom. She got scared and told me to stop because I might attract evil spirits! :? Thats just weird. To me that sounds superstitious and unrealistic. How can you attract evil spirits just by playing around with a flashlight and pretending to be a ghost? It's no different than dressing up in a sheet at Halloween. My parents actually believe that just by talking about the devil or evil spirits that you can attract one. Weird.

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Re: Ouija board

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:58 pm

HauntMaster, the chances that you would actualy conjur up a demon are very slim, but why tempt fate? The devil and his minions primarily use temptation to sin to get most of us. Real possessions and apperitions are very rare.

The way I look at it is that if they held a lottery where the winner was put to death, would you buy a ticket? It's the same deal with these unclean spirits. By mimicking them and chanting their names, you do get their attention. The chances they will actualy show some visable signs of themselvs are very miniscule, but why take the chance?


Haunt Master

Re: Ouija board

Post by Haunt Master » Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:14 pm

I would dare not to buy lottery tickets! :shock: Why would everybody takes chance to attract the evil spirits and demons like that? That's a good question! I really can't answer this, but some people say they saw spirits, some say they heard the voices of spirits and demons too.

Like I say I would never go back to play with any more evil game boards or anything like that because I wouldn't risk to get the second chance! :shock: I have to leave all evil games alone. ;)

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Re: Ouija board

Post by Midnight Witch » Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:05 am

Ouija Board? Never heard of it! :| But now I know what it is. :)
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Re: Ouija board

Post by iHaunt » Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:41 pm

I know it's arguable if it has anything to do with horror, or if it's really even a game or not. But I thought it would be very interesting to hear some of your experiences with this tricky little devil.

What do you think? Supernatural or Fake? :)

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Re: Ouija board

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:26 am

Ouija Boards are dangerous and should not be messed around with. That's my answer to it. They are a conduit into the realm of spirits, and many spirits are evil.


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Re: Ouija board

Post by DemonSlayerMau » Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:40 pm

But Pumpkin Man, why should I be afraid of demon spirits if I'm protected by Jesus? When you're a Christian you're saved and protected by the blood of Jesus.
I'm not advocating that we should play around with things that are demonic, like Ouiji boards.
But I feel that we shouldn't be afraid of demon spirits either. I think Satan wants us to feel afraid, and that's what empowers him.
This probably seems crazy, crazy, a graveyard theory,
A ghost tried to approach me and got leery.
Ask him a question and he vanished in a second...

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Re: Ouija board

Post by Rising Dead Man » Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:49 pm

If you are totally "born again". Why would you even want to conjure up spawns of Hell?
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Re: Ouija board

Post by DemonSlayerMau » Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:32 pm

That's not the point. Someone who's "born again" doesn't. I wouldn't touch an Ouiji board, and I'd probably burn one if I could get away with it.
I wonder what would happen if you burn one. Sometimes Christians claim you can hear the spirits of demons screaming if you burn something considered demonic. But I don't know, it could be mass hysteria. Some Christians have claimed to have been attacked by demons with the possession of a Harry Potter book. Well, I've never had any demonic attacks in relationship to my Harry Potter books. I think a lot of it is just people saying things to scare other people into not reading them, or even like your Dungians and Dragons being considered demonic. I even own an Egyptian Bastet statue. Do I worship it? No. I just admire it because I love egyptian mythology and I'm a cat fanatic.
What I'm trying to say is that if you're born again, through the power of Jesus you can command demons to leave a place that's already got demon spirits in it. You can tell the devil to get beneath you. The devil has no power over you if you have Jesus.
Sometimes fasting and prayer are required. Sometimes if you march around a building and praise God the demons will leave, demons don't like it when you worship God.
I'm not saying you should deliberately summon or conjure demons. I'm saying if you have Jesus on your side, they can't hurt you. They can't touch you. Some Christians plead the blood, which is another way of asking for Jesus' protection.
However, I disgress that Pumpkin Man is right, you shouldn't be messing with Ouiji boards.
However, I feel I can call the devil out for the evil tyrant he really is. Why should I be scared of him? There's nothing he can do about it!
This probably seems crazy, crazy, a graveyard theory,
A ghost tried to approach me and got leery.
Ask him a question and he vanished in a second...

~ From a Ghost's Pumpkin Soup (Pumpkin Hill zone theme Song from Sonic Adventure 2) ~

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Re: Ouija board

Post by shanda » Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:35 pm

I am a firm believer in ghosts. I have had a few life expirences myself.
I am a Christian, and I believe that all saved people go to Heaven.
I think that if a spirit is bound to this earth, they are prob. not someone I would want to invite into my home.

Leave the dead, dead.

Residual hauntings are one thing. A recording of energy. Energy can not be destroyed only changed. It can't interact with you either.
Evil spirits, bound to earth or non-human spirits, are beyond our control.
I am on the fence with our loved ones visiting us. I like the idea of watching over my family, just not spooking them. I just don't believe there are "good" ghosts. They are enjoying the afterlife on a mountain top.
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Re: Ouija board

Post by DemonSlayerMau » Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:25 pm

I wonder if there could be a remote possibility that some of the good spirits linger on earth because they either couldn't find their way to heaven, or just felt they weren't ready to be dead.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think we should dabble in things like trying to contact the dead, but that doesn't mean I don't get excited when I hear about a haunting.
This probably seems crazy, crazy, a graveyard theory,
A ghost tried to approach me and got leery.
Ask him a question and he vanished in a second...

~ From a Ghost's Pumpkin Soup (Pumpkin Hill zone theme Song from Sonic Adventure 2) ~

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Re: Ouija board

Post by Rising Dead Man » Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:51 pm

DemonSlayerMau wrote:That's not the point. Someone who's "born again" doesn't. I wouldn't touch an Ouiji board, and I'd probably burn one if I could get away with it.
I wonder what would happen if you burn one. Sometimes Christians claim you can hear the spirits of demons screaming if you burn something considered demonic. But I don't know, it could be mass hysteria. Some Christians have claimed to have been attacked by demons with the possession of a Harry Potter book. Well, I've never had any demonic attacks in relationship to my Harry Potter books. I think a lot of it is just people saying things to scare other people into not reading them, or even like your Dungians and Dragons being considered demonic. I even own an Egyptian Bastet statue. Do I worship it? No. I just admire it because I love egyptian mythology and I'm a cat fanatic.
What I'm trying to say is that if you're born again, through the power of Jesus you can command demons to leave a place that's already got demon spirits in it. You can tell the devil to get beneath you. The devil has no power over you if you have Jesus.
Sometimes fasting and prayer are required. Sometimes if you march around a building and praise God the demons will leave, demons don't like it when you worship God.
I'm not saying you should deliberately summon or conjure demons. I'm saying if you have Jesus on your side, they can't hurt you. They can't touch you. Some Christians plead the blood, which is another way of asking for Jesus' protection.
However, I disgress that Pumpkin Man is right, you shouldn't be messing with Ouiji boards.
However, I feel I can call the devil out for the evil tyrant he really is. Why should I be scared of him? There's nothing he can do about it!
Burn a ouija board and hear demons screaming? That sounds like 200 year old superstition to me. And I laughed when I read the part about Christians being attacked by demons when they have a Harry Potter book. THESE ARE JUST OBJECTS!

I could be totally wrong but it just sounds hocusy pokesy.
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Re: Ouija board

Post by shanda » Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:58 pm

For everything "good "there is an equal amount of "evil". You can't believe in God and Heaven without believeing in Satan and Hell.
People pray for angels to watch over them and see devine creation all around them. I am one of those people.
I believe that there are also evil spirits, answering those calling them. There are evil creations all around us also. Just read the papers or watch the news.
As far as objects being cursed, I don't know. I don't think I am going to Hell for reading Harry Potter, but I still wont play with a ouija board...just in case.
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Re: Ouija board

Post by Autumnal_whispers » Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:47 am

Oh Ouija boards. Those were some fun times. lol My friend Erica had gotten one back when we were in seventh grade, and we played with it during her birthday party. It was the first time any of us had used one, so it was both entertaining and frightening at the same time. I don't remember too much about what happened during the first trial except that I was terrified because the "ghost" told my friends that I had something that he wanted. I thought I was going to be killed in my sleep or something, but apparently he just wanted the sour cream and onion potato chips that I was eating. Hahaha! So my friend named him Chippers.

Second major event was when she brought the Ouija board over to my house. She ended up going to sleep, and my other friend Dana and I decided to talk to the "ghost" some more. (I use quotations since I don't know 100% if it was a spirit that was controlling it.) We were starting to get sleepy after awhile, so we told the "ghost" that we were going to go to sleep. The planchette started moving faster, as though he was getting angry. He told us that he didn't want us to go, and it just started going faster. Shortly after, the planchette actually jumped in the air. I know that it wasn't me who did it, and as far as I know I saw that Dana's fingers were on top of it as gentle as mine were. It just jumped maybe three inches in the air and fell, so needless to say were were really freaked out. We went to go to sleep (We were on the floor of my living room) and I looked up at my TV. I swear that I saw a face in the TV. :shock: I told Dana, "Hey, look at the TV," and she described exactly what I saw.

A couple small things had also happened with the Ouija board. One was this girl that we were talking to, who told us that her name was Kat. Apparently she lived in a place called Boston that was in my state of Pennsylvania. We all figured it was the one in Massachusetts, but I looked it up on the computer and apparently there is one that's in southwestern PA. So that was kind of neat.

Also, I had bought a Ouija board myself, which my mom, my relatives, and I used once in my kitchen. My mom swears up and down that she had seen a ghost of a little girl in the upstairs of our house (And I saw an old woman at the end of my bed once. Not sure if I was just half asleep or not, but that's what I saw.), so she wanted to see what the board said. The girl said that her name was KT, which I figured was either her initials or the name Katie, since that's what it sounds like. She said there are like five other spirits in our house as well. So yeah, those are my Ouija stories. I've been wanting to try one again just to see if anything would happen.

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