lol. I know when I first made it I was like YES!
Ok you need a normal book (that you don't mind messing up)
red brown lite fabric
candle and vegetable oil
and of course fabric glue
Also fabric paint for the eye.
Needle and thread
Silver ribbon
1. First you need to make the pages of the book old looking so use SOME vegetale oil to your likeing (make sure you can still see the words thought lol) the SLIGHTLY burn a few parts of the pages. Let dry a little and cool
2. Now onto the cover and back. Put the red fabric onto and arond on the cover and back of the book. Once it is GLUED ON with some kind of glue (p.s make slight folds for athenticity) sew black or red stiching into the cover.
3. For the eye paint it human like (the eye is blue) around the eye put silver ribbon.
4.The snakes on there are optional
here is a reference for you all: ... s_book.jpg