Haunted House Light/Sound Software

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Haunted House Light/Sound Software

Post by VMHauntShow » Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:41 pm


Our company has developed show control software called VenueMagic that is ideally suited for controlling lights and music/sound effects in haunted houses. VenueMagic uses a timeline-based approach (kind of like video editing) which makes it easier to put shows together faster. It comes with its own sound effects library and a collection of pre-made lighting effects (or you can easily create your own). It also has video tutorials and some sample haunted house project files (separate download but free).

VenueMagic has a 15-day free trial. Technically, this means you can download it after Oct. 16 and use it on Halloween for free! Right now we're really just interested in getting people to try it out.

You will have to get your own DMX interface and hardware, which is all explained on the site.

Here's the link:


Please let us know what you think of it. If you have any suggestions, we're eager to hear them.

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