by Dutchess of Darkness » Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:22 pm
Well I can understand the need for respecting all Religions, and the need to try and avoid stereotyping, but with that said, that issue could easily be resolved, they could, now I agree its sad, but for the sake of the children they could just not permit the Witch Costume. As for the reason of that it cuts into classroom study time, my word, has anyone ever noticed how big and heavy young childrens backpacks are already? Just how much time do they get in class to do homework these days anyways, it just seems like much of it gets sent home with them. And no offense to any teachers who might be on here, But come on here, is an hour or so really going to take that big of a bite out of study time? Kids are having to grow up way to fast as it is, now lets just go and take what little bit of childhood fun they have left. And as far as the need to protect students who can't afford costumes, here's what one group of Halloween loving parents do here. Every year when the costumes go on clearence they buy up several and keep them on hand for kids who can't afford one, and they do a money collection between themselves just to have some cash on hand in case they need to buy for a child who can't wear, doesn't like, or doesn't fit into what they have on stock. There are always ways around these things, but it just seems like that never gets looked at. I would tend to side with it being the whole Overly Political Correctness thing.