Costume for 2007

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Post by RUScaredYet » Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:49 pm

I don't know what I'll be yet. Our group at work picks a theme and we go from there. This year it'll be different eras, but I'm not sure which era we'll be yet - everyone's too busy to meet, so it's gonna start a little late this year. I hope it's not the 50's, because I was a sock-hopper 3 years ago, and even though the costumes are beautiful, I don't want to be Rennaisance (sp) either, because they're probably heavy to walk around in and hot.

Flappers would be cool. I've got the hair for it.

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Post by Nyx » Sun Sep 16, 2007 4:05 pm

My friends and I are doing a group theme for our Halloween party. We're torn between the Scooby Gang (Scooby and friends) and the Scooby Gang (from Buffy.) I'm pushing for Buffy characters because I LOOOOVE Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel.

For my family festivities, I'm going out on a limb with a couple of these because I haven't figured out how to pull one of them off. I'll either be a zombie nurse. Hey, what better costume for a nursing student? Or I will be my namesake, Nyx. The primordial goddess of Darkness. That one, I haven't figured out how to pull off yet. I want to do something original and funky this year.

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Post by Dutchess of Darkness » Sun Sep 16, 2007 5:08 pm

Nyx, all of your ideas sound fantastic! Sounds like a great time a head, by the way, I love your new avatar, totally cool :!: :D

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Post by Nyx » Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:55 pm

Thanks! I try my best to do something original every year. I have a great hooded velvet cloak I could use as a piece for my goddess costume, I suppose. I'm just not sure what to do about the actual dress. Perhaps a black toga?

And thanks about the avatar, I love it too. :D

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Post by MHooch » Sun Sep 16, 2007 9:06 pm

Nyx, definitely a black dress flowing like a toga, maybe tied across one shoulder with the other shoulder bare (think Ava Gardner in "One Touch of Venus" obscure old movie reference that you probably won't get anyway... :? ), what color is your hair? If it's dark, just pile it up like a Grecian statue (actually the whole thing should look a little like a Grecian statue...), the cloak sounds perfect, but I'm drawing a blank on makeup or accessories, sorry.

You know,
"She walks in beauty, like the night...."

Not much help, huh? :oops:
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Post by Nyx » Sun Sep 16, 2007 9:17 pm

I got the reference, MHooch. Thanks for the input! My hair is dark brown so I won't have to do any coloring, thank goodness. My main problem is shoes. I'm a perfectionist and have to have every part of the costume "just right." I have found all sorts of sandals that would do great but none of them are black. Most of them aren't made of materials I can dye either. Sigh.. I may just scrap this idea and do the zombie nurse. It's easy aside from makeup.

Dr Strange

Post by Dr Strange » Mon Sep 17, 2007 11:40 am

My wife was considering going as a "goth" girl but we weren't sure how to accomplish this, other than some black and purple striped pantyhose and black lipstick. Without looking like a total tramp (dangit!) how could she pull off this look?

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Post by jadewik » Mon Sep 17, 2007 4:40 pm

Dr Strange wrote:My wife was considering going as a "goth" girl but we weren't sure how to accomplish this, other than some black and purple striped pantyhose and black lipstick. Without looking like a total tramp (dangit!) how could she pull off this look?
Google image "Gothic Lolita" they're a little more doll-like than plain (slutty?) "goths".

Or look at these drawings by one of my favourite animators/artists: ... olita2.jpg ... owdoll.jpg
Or this image from someone's blog: ... bible1.jpg

You can have her wear a baby-doll outfit... basically... an outfit with a short knee-length skirt, knee or thigh-high boots (platform?), stockings, roses in her hair, wings, choker...etc.

Hot Topic sells a lot of gothic clothing too if you're looking for "goth" ideas.

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Post by Lon » Mon Sep 17, 2007 9:30 pm

I'm going as the Six Million Dollar Man. I thought of this idea on Halloween LAST year and thought it would make a good costume. For the past several years there has been an annual 5K race where I live the Friday before Halloween and it's a race where people can wear costumes. I've never done it before and hopefully it will happen this year (it's up in the air as of now).

I thought it would be funny to dress up as the Six Million Dollar Man, complete with sound effects, and run the race, in slow motion.

The costume parts are:

*The red track/warm-up suit. I couldn't find a vintage red tracksuit or one that didn't have stripes on the sleeves and pant legs or a logo on the front so I'm having one made by a costume maker. I told her the suit didn't need to function like a warm-up suit, just look like one so she is just going to get some basic red fabric and make it into a mid-70s looking red track suit with a white zipper up the front, on the ankles and one pocket with a zipper.

*Red Adidas shoes with white stripes. I found a pair on eBay that are my size.

*A brown wig with a 70s hairstyle that I found online

*A "Superman" crowbar that makes a bending sound when bent to use as an prop/accessory

*Cyborg prosthetics. There are a few prosthetic kits out there that are just pieces to attach to your face and use blood around the edges to make it look like your skin has peeled away to reveal your cybernetic endoskeleton. Instead of putting the pieces on my face I will attach them to my right forearm to show my "bionics." I'll also dress up the prosthetics with two red blinking lights out of a red blinking clown nose I have.

*I'll put the "ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch" sound effect and opening theme music on my iPod and use flat portable speakers I found at Best Buy and attach them to my body underneath the warm-up jacket. So when I run the sound effect can be heard or if the race doesn't happen I can bend the bar with the sound effect or "demonstrate" my bionics.

Dr Strange

Post by Dr Strange » Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:47 am

My kids still haven't decided on what to be for halloween this year. Everyone thinks I'm crazy for talking about costumes in June but you have to plan early. Now Halloween is next month and everyone will be scrambling trying to get their mom to sew something on the fly. They haven't even narrowed it down yet.

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Post by Lon » Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:53 pm

I agree Dr. Strange about planning early for a costume. I always tell people that they need to start shopping as soon as the costumes hit the stores. But every year people I know wait until the last week and can never find what they are looking for.

I ordered something from an online Halloween shop and a few days after I placed the order they called me to tell me what I ordered was out of stock. I still have plenty of time to order it from some place else. If I waited until the last minute I wouldn't have it.

Dr Strange

Post by Dr Strange » Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:53 pm

What costume are you looking for, or is that secret info?

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Post by Lon » Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:22 pm

See my post above yours.

It's the cyborg prosthetic.

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Post by portia319 » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:06 pm

I'm going as Marie Antoinette after the execution and my husband is going as Jekyll/Hyde. I'm looking for the perfect wig still. One I got on ebay for cheap and it doesn't fit my head at all! The other I got offline and it kinda fits, but not as well as I'd like. I'm going to check out the local Halloween stores opening up now.

I know the family is gearing up their costumes. Grandma is going as a "society lady" circa Titanic -- I'm still looking for a big red Titanic era hat for her. Mom and Dad are going as Wilma and Fred and my aunt and uncle are going Betty and Barney. My niece is 13 and going as a flapper girl.

Have I mentioned I love Halloween?!?!?!
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Post by ooga_booga » Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:17 am

Well, I've finally bought some fabric, and hopefully I'll start on my costume soon.
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