It's always such a delight to hear from you, HH, and what news! That photo is beautiful. Thanks for sharing it.
And your trip! When you first said "cruise," my mind went to the Caribbean. But you all are doing a Mediterranean cruise! Wow! Can I come?
I have no definite vacation plans this year. I'm thinking something modest, either Charleston/Savannah, or Mississippi to New Orleans. I've never really shown off my native state to my kids, and I'd like to do that, but much depends on their increasingly complex schedules. My daughter is leaning more toward the Charleston/Savannah jaunt, and that would please me, too. We'll see. Neither trip is a huge stretch from middle TN.
Otherwise, we've just been rocking along, same old same old. I'm trying to get serious about spring cleaning and decluttering.
- Halloween Master
- Posts: 6328
- Joined: Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:56 am
- What is the highest number?: 10992
- TheHeadlessHorseman
- Halloween Master
- Posts: 504
- Joined: Sat Sep 26, 2020 5:26 am
- What is the highest number?: 10992
Re: Catching up
Thanks Murf! I appreciate it. How are your kids doing? Did your older son find a way to stay in Chicago?
As for my grandaunt, I only hope that she is still around in 10 years so that little girl can get to know her the way that the rest of us have had the pleasure to. When we go to her birthday celebration we expect it to be a very large gathering, as most of my mother's side of the family is going to be there.
My aunt and uncle have told me that they have already booked a beautiful outdoor venue for the celebration, and that they want to get a photo of everybody standing outside together so that there is five generations in one photo. It's going to be a beautiful moment, and we are looking forward to it.
Regarding the trip, we would love to have you join us Murf, and there is a possibility that a spot could open up by then. With 16 people going we know that things could change, the plane tickets are not a issue, if someone can't make the trip they will refund us, but the agent for the cruise told us that if someone can't make it we have to let them know at least 1 week in advance so that they can fill the spots or we will get hit with some pricey fees for a last minute cancellation. So who knows how it will go?
Believe me, I know what you mean by trying to get everybody's schedule on the same page for a trip. We originally wanted to give the trip to my mother last July for her birthday, but we couldn't do it until the end of the year, and even that was a headache. I know that not everybody has the freedom to choose their schedule the way we can, especially if you work for someone else, my younger sister's husband wont be coming with us for that same reason, but thankfully everybody else will be going.
A few days after we surprised my mother with the trip, she pulled me aside and asked if we could afford it, I told her not to worry about it, and that she deserves something good in her life to make up for how rough things were for us when we were younger, she told me that she already has something good in her life, her family, and we already make her happy. It was a very emotional moment, and I could tell how much it meant to her.
As for the trip, you better believe it was expensive, between the 2 flights, 2 hotel reservations, the cruise, and just general travel expenses for 16 people, I could have bought a luxury car for that price. But do you want to know a secret? From a certain point of view, I practically paid nothing for the trip. Allow me to explain.
I had previously mentioned that in my early 20s I had bought various plots of undeveloped land that at the time I paid very little for, and today are worth up to 20 times what I paid for it. If you recall, at the beginning of September I took a small business trip without my family, I had been contacted by a land developer that wanted to buy one of the plots from me, I could have just signed the contract and sent it by Fed Ex, but I wanted to visit the land one more time before I sold it.
When I bought the land, I thought that one day I would build a home there for the family that I would eventually have, maybe even a farm or something, just to have something to leave for my family. Of course, we know how things turned out, and I'm happy with the way life went. So I sold the land and got a ridiculously high price for it, and I paid for the whole trip, and still have a good chunk of change to put aside. Am I going to miss it? Probably, but I still own more undeveloped land in other places, and I might still get to build that dream home for my family.
The main reason we chose these destinations for the cruise is because my wife's mother's side of the family is from Greece, and she has always wanted to visit her family's ancestral home, and we both have a interest in Greek history and mythology, so it should be awesome. The other destinations are just a bonus for us, the ship will stop at various ports during the week, and I'm sure there are going to be some beautiful places and cultures that we are going to experience and it should be fun.
As for my grandaunt, I only hope that she is still around in 10 years so that little girl can get to know her the way that the rest of us have had the pleasure to. When we go to her birthday celebration we expect it to be a very large gathering, as most of my mother's side of the family is going to be there.
My aunt and uncle have told me that they have already booked a beautiful outdoor venue for the celebration, and that they want to get a photo of everybody standing outside together so that there is five generations in one photo. It's going to be a beautiful moment, and we are looking forward to it.
Regarding the trip, we would love to have you join us Murf, and there is a possibility that a spot could open up by then. With 16 people going we know that things could change, the plane tickets are not a issue, if someone can't make the trip they will refund us, but the agent for the cruise told us that if someone can't make it we have to let them know at least 1 week in advance so that they can fill the spots or we will get hit with some pricey fees for a last minute cancellation. So who knows how it will go?
Believe me, I know what you mean by trying to get everybody's schedule on the same page for a trip. We originally wanted to give the trip to my mother last July for her birthday, but we couldn't do it until the end of the year, and even that was a headache. I know that not everybody has the freedom to choose their schedule the way we can, especially if you work for someone else, my younger sister's husband wont be coming with us for that same reason, but thankfully everybody else will be going.
A few days after we surprised my mother with the trip, she pulled me aside and asked if we could afford it, I told her not to worry about it, and that she deserves something good in her life to make up for how rough things were for us when we were younger, she told me that she already has something good in her life, her family, and we already make her happy. It was a very emotional moment, and I could tell how much it meant to her.
As for the trip, you better believe it was expensive, between the 2 flights, 2 hotel reservations, the cruise, and just general travel expenses for 16 people, I could have bought a luxury car for that price. But do you want to know a secret? From a certain point of view, I practically paid nothing for the trip. Allow me to explain.
I had previously mentioned that in my early 20s I had bought various plots of undeveloped land that at the time I paid very little for, and today are worth up to 20 times what I paid for it. If you recall, at the beginning of September I took a small business trip without my family, I had been contacted by a land developer that wanted to buy one of the plots from me, I could have just signed the contract and sent it by Fed Ex, but I wanted to visit the land one more time before I sold it.
When I bought the land, I thought that one day I would build a home there for the family that I would eventually have, maybe even a farm or something, just to have something to leave for my family. Of course, we know how things turned out, and I'm happy with the way life went. So I sold the land and got a ridiculously high price for it, and I paid for the whole trip, and still have a good chunk of change to put aside. Am I going to miss it? Probably, but I still own more undeveloped land in other places, and I might still get to build that dream home for my family.
The main reason we chose these destinations for the cruise is because my wife's mother's side of the family is from Greece, and she has always wanted to visit her family's ancestral home, and we both have a interest in Greek history and mythology, so it should be awesome. The other destinations are just a bonus for us, the ship will stop at various ports during the week, and I'm sure there are going to be some beautiful places and cultures that we are going to experience and it should be fun.
- Halloween Master
- Posts: 6328
- Joined: Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:56 am
- What is the highest number?: 10992
Re: Catching up
I cannot express how happy it makes me to think of this generous gift you are able to share with your loved ones, especially your mom. Well done!
I have no ancestry in the Mediterranean, but I studied Latin for many years, so I feel drawn to that part of the world. My older son, who has traveled to Europe more times than I can count, has spent several vacations in Italy, Spain, and the French riviera. He loves that area. He has told me that he regards Rome as the most European city.
That son is still in Chicago, but his future is up in the air. He loves his location and his social group. What with the cuts in government funding, nobody in academia is assured of the grants that keep things going for them. I don't know if he'll be able to figure out a way to stay much longer, but it seems to me that, in such a diverse city, and with his ability to work remotely, something ought to pan out for him.
My other kids are doing far less glamorous work here in Murfreesboro. One is working a night shift at Walmart, and the other is clerking at a Christian bookstore. I'm grateful they're employed, but wish they seemed to have more direction.
I have no ancestry in the Mediterranean, but I studied Latin for many years, so I feel drawn to that part of the world. My older son, who has traveled to Europe more times than I can count, has spent several vacations in Italy, Spain, and the French riviera. He loves that area. He has told me that he regards Rome as the most European city.
That son is still in Chicago, but his future is up in the air. He loves his location and his social group. What with the cuts in government funding, nobody in academia is assured of the grants that keep things going for them. I don't know if he'll be able to figure out a way to stay much longer, but it seems to me that, in such a diverse city, and with his ability to work remotely, something ought to pan out for him.
My other kids are doing far less glamorous work here in Murfreesboro. One is working a night shift at Walmart, and the other is clerking at a Christian bookstore. I'm grateful they're employed, but wish they seemed to have more direction.
- TheHeadlessHorseman
- Halloween Master
- Posts: 504
- Joined: Sat Sep 26, 2020 5:26 am
- What is the highest number?: 10992
Re: Catching up
I hope that it works out for your son, I'm sure the right opportunity will present itself at the right time for him. It seems absurd that the Gov. would continually reduce the resources that the young people today need to further themselves, their field, and the potentially life altering contributions that they will use to make the world a better place, but I suppose that the people at the top that make the decisions only care about lining their pockets, and making sure to secure their own positions by kissing the right butts above them.
Regarding the trip, I think that Italy is going to be the most interesting place for us, as the history, art, and architecture there is unmatched in their beauty. We will be there for a few days before we board the ship, and I hope that we will get to enjoy the amazing things they have to offer.
I'm just glad that my kids are old enough now to understand, and appreciate this experience, and I hope that it will give them, and everybody going, some great memories that they can always look back on. As I mentioned, we will be boarding the ship on Phoebe's 8th birthday, so I'm sure it will be a day she will always remember.
Regarding the trip, I think that Italy is going to be the most interesting place for us, as the history, art, and architecture there is unmatched in their beauty. We will be there for a few days before we board the ship, and I hope that we will get to enjoy the amazing things they have to offer.
I'm just glad that my kids are old enough now to understand, and appreciate this experience, and I hope that it will give them, and everybody going, some great memories that they can always look back on. As I mentioned, we will be boarding the ship on Phoebe's 8th birthday, so I'm sure it will be a day she will always remember.