We actually decided to attend horrorfest again this year last night!

Different line up of movies, except for Trick R Treat, I reckon they're going to play that one every year. A good choice though for Halloween.

Last nights line up was Beetlejuice, Trick or Treat, Evil Dead Rising, The Conjuring, and Annabelle Creation. I felt like they had a nice variety this year, and I had NO idea that Annabelle was inspired from The Conjuring or that the doll made a cameo appearance in it. I felt like they both had good stories, but the Annabelle one had a very compelling one in my opinion. If you haven't seen it, I'm not sure if I want to spoil it. It was fun watching Beetlejuice again, and Trick or Treat despite seeing it a hundred times already.

(I'm exaggerating a bit.)
But I have to admit one of my favorite things of the drive in is the old timey intermission commercials they played. I really liked those.(Admittedly they did remind me of the game Fallout 4 XD) I'm grateful that, in a world of cell phones, PC's, tablets, streaming services and the like, that we can still enjoy a night out at the drive in, or any movie theater for that matter. Hull's is the first I REMEMBER going to, but mom said they took me to see a Star Trek movie when my parents were married, and I climbed all over the seats. I guess I was too little to remember. By the time I was more self-aware of my own existence, Drive In movie theaters were a thing of the past. Having experienced one in Lexington, I think it's a lot of fun and I'd like to see them make a big come back.
You are definitely correct that it would be about 30-40 minutes to Staunton from Lexington. Whenever we go to Lexington I know from there Staunton is but a hop skip and a jump away. Staunton sadly isn't what it used to be though. They tore down the old mall, and when I first came to Virginia there were but a few shops in there. I think at one point there was a movie theater, and I remember an arcade. They had this military surplus store that had swords that was pretty cool. (We collect swords and medieval stuff, we enjoy that sort of thing

) Oh and Hot Wok which is a mall-food-court style chinese food restaurant and our top choice for dining. But they had to move Hot Wok due to them tearing down the mall. It's next to the Martin's grocery store now. They left only the Belk store open and tore down the rest of the mall around it. The last I saw it, it looked like a scene out of Fallout 4, all rubble. (What can I say, it's a good game with a good story and there's plenty of Halloween references in the game itself.

)A lot of the good shops from what I understand moved to Roanoke or Waynesboro. But there's still some good things in Staunton. There's a decent little card and game shop called the Dragon's Den, and there's the toy store called Pufferbellies. Both a little high end, but at least there's that.
Sometimes I don't remember all the movies I have seen either. Or sometimes I can't even remember if I've seen a certain movie or not. ETA:DOA sounds interesting, I'll have to look that one up.
I'm proud of myself that I stayed up through all the movies this time.

I'm over it, but I still like to joke that "Freddy could've got me"

as that's always good for a laugh. My boyfriend drove us home and I did snooze before getting back to the house though.