Halloween costume

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Halloween costume

Post by Beliaeola » Wed Jun 26, 2019 5:59 am

So I had this mad idea to dress as a drill artist like SL and 410 as I'm a roadman and a drill fan . For Halloween . I bought these fake drillas a AK47 toy gun with orange tip and wore a balaclava and tracksuit covering my face up posing with the drilla . I wanna post it on Facebook for fun and as a joke but don't wanna get in trouble also Facebook it got my real name on it and some college mates can see it . I'm worried Feds can track me down or the very least I get banned from Facebook . I dunno whether to post the pic or not or to just keep it on my camera roll and maybe print the photo in a shop for personal reference . That's what Google said some people got nicked for posing with toy drill as of Feds come my house and shot me dead I don't want that all I wanted was to have fun in Halloween . I seen people post paintball pictures and not get done for so will it be the same ? Advice needed guys cheers
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Re: Halloween costume

Post by Pumpkin_Head » Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:29 pm

A lot of people dress for Halloween in costumes like that. In addition to all the monsters I se many a soldier and sailor. In Chicago where I grew up, dressing up as 1920s gangster in pin stripe suits, a top had and carrying a toy 'tommy gun' was all the rage for many years. There were also plenty of Cubs, Sox, (Chicago's baseball teams) bears (football) bulls (basket ball) and Hawks (hockey). Add to that all the space aliens, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, robots, and the like, and you have for many, Halloween. The day when everyone has a chance to be someone other then he or she really is.

I, of course, usually went with some kind of a monster of the supernatural, except for the one year I was a robot, and another year I was a sailor.


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Re: Halloween costume

Post by Murfreesboro » Thu Jul 04, 2019 8:40 am

I see nothing wrong with the costume, but when it comes to posting photos, I'd say, better safe than sorry. Keep that one private.

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Re: Halloween costume

Post by Pumpkin_Head » Thu Jul 04, 2019 4:57 pm

That's a good point. Even a toy gun in this day and age can get you in trouble. A theatre arts student at the local high school where I use to live brought a stage prop to school one time. It was a replica of a 9mm automatic, and not only was he suspended for bringing a gun to school, he was arrested and ultimately fined. That's just for a toy gun that was to be used in a school play. Go figure.


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Re: Halloween costume

Post by Murfreesboro » Tue Jul 09, 2019 10:46 am

We've had that very thing happen here, Mike.

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Re: Halloween costume

Post by Pumpkin_Head » Tue Jul 09, 2019 2:22 pm

It's a form of indoctrination. If your Halloween costume in any way involves weapons, it's probably you go with something of a more midlevel theme, like fake swords and the like. Either that, or go with a gun that is obviously a toy fake. Personally, if I were still dressing up in a costume, I prefer something more in the way of a traditional Halloween monster like a vampire or a werewolf. I use to answer the door to ToTers with a set of vampire fangs in my mouth, but they like so many other things, were destroyed in the fire of 15. I do plan to purchase another pair online before October, though.


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