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Watch What you Wish For.....cause You JUST MIGHT GET IT

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:29 am

Hi Folks:

I went through one of the most frightening experiences of my life last night. I have never before experienced anything paranormal before, if what I went through could be classified as paranormal.

It started out seeming innocent. It was late at night, and I was in bed, when I started to notice a very wiers glow. Then the ceiling fan went crazy, and there where all these multi colored balls of light, in every color conceivable. The sleeping bag I use as a blanked also started to glow, where all the stitching was a wierd blue-green color. I was panicked, but I got up to get my camera, and when I went down stairs to where I keep my camera bag, all of my CDs and records where flying around the room in circles. The tv was doing all kinds of wierd things too. Unfortunately this phenominom, for lack of a better word, stopped before I could get the lenz cap off my camera, and that's another wierd thing. That lenze cap was stuck as thought it had been crazy glued or something. Then all of my CDs and Records fell to the floor in a heap, and the lenze cap came off. I went back up to my bedroom to see if the 'light show' was still going on, but it wasn't.

Then the electricity went completely out. I thought it was a local powerfailure, but somehow every circuit breaker in my circuit breaker box was popped.

I don't know about you, but STILL quite wierded out by the whole thing.


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Re: Watch What you Wish For.....cause You JUST MIGHT GET IT

Post by Kolchak » Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:41 pm

So should we say congratulations or who ya gonna' call? :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

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Re: Watch What you Wish For.....cause You JUST MIGHT GET IT

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Thu Mar 06, 2014 10:40 am

Well, I doubt contratulations are in order, and I wouldn't know who to call, but it was pretty crazy. There have been no other manifistations of the like since, and frankly I hope there never are.


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Re: Watch What you Wish For.....cause You JUST MIGHT GET IT

Post by Kolchak » Fri Mar 07, 2014 5:19 pm

I know you would rather not have a repeat of what happened, and there could be a logical explanation for what happened, but you might consider getting a real good notebook and when you get some free time, writing down everything you remember from that night.

Try and put it in order and try and keep the time frame as accurate as possible. Finally at the end of the report, just free write about the incident. Free writing allows you to connect with your feelings that night and how you feel now. How you've been behaving since the night.

Have you moved your records and CDs? Of all that you have described about this incident, the flying CDs and records are the most compelling. You can then take the notebook and put it somewhere safe and when you feel comfortable with it, you will have all the fresh information on paper and you wont have to try and get yourself to remember if something happened a particular way or not, because you have the answers right there.

You could use a tape recorder if you don't like to write the incident out, but I prefer the old fashion pen and paper

Good Luck and Hang in There!!

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Re: Watch What you Wish For.....cause You JUST MIGHT GET IT

Post by NeverMore » Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:57 pm

Looking forward to the movie.

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Re: Watch What you Wish For.....cause You JUST MIGHT GET IT

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:36 am

That's not a bad idea, Kolchak. It's not going to be hard for me at all to remember what happened, all though I can't remember the exact time this all started happening. Thanks for the tip.


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Re: Watch What you Wish For.....cause You JUST MIGHT GET IT

Post by MauEvig » Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:19 pm

Whoah that is freaky Pumpkin man! I've seen some videos online that could have been ghosts or the like.
Too bad you can't set up your camera ahead of time in case something like that happens again. I'd definitely write it all down like Kolchak said.
That's almost as spooky as the incident I encountered way back when I worked at Dollar General.
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Re: Watch What you Wish For.....cause You JUST MIGHT GET IT

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:55 pm

MarVig, I'll be a very happy man if that NEVER happens again. As Kolchak pointed out in another post, there could be a logical explanation for everything that happened, but it freaked me out none the less. There have been no further incidents since, but I do have an old 1980s vintage VHS camera set up just in case it happens again.


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Re: Watch What you Wish For.....cause You JUST MIGHT GET IT

Post by MauEvig » Wed Apr 16, 2014 5:05 pm

There could be a logical explanation for it, but I suppose for me it's more fun to think of it as something actually happening. I'm always kind of disappointed when something gets proven against with a "scientific" explanation.
Have you discussed what happened with your Priest or Bishop? Maybe they could offer some kind of explanation.
If it does happen again I'm sure we'd all like to see, but considering how scary it was, I do hope it doesn't happen again.
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Re: Watch What you Wish For.....cause You JUST MIGHT GET IT

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:30 am

Actually I would prefer that A, it never happens again, and B it can be explained by scientific and logical explanations. I did speak to my priest about it, and he still has yet to get back to me. At any rate, it hasn't happened since, and I'm very fine with that.


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Re: Watch What you Wish For.....cause You JUST MIGHT GET IT

Post by Pumpkin_Head » Thu Jun 06, 2019 12:51 am

I suppose it's a good idea to update everyone. The house I was living in at that time, and were that all happened burned to the ground in 2015. The cause of the fire had nothing to do with the paranormal or supernatural. I fell asleep with a lit cigarette and awoke to a house full of smoke. I thought I got the fire out, but when I opened the front door to air out all the smoke the curtains went up like a tinder box and I barely escaped with my life and the cloths on my back.

At any rate, the house I'm in now was build in 1955, and I very unlikely to be haunted as the guy who built it live here until he died of natural causes, and I'm actually only the 2nd owner.


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Re: Watch What you Wish For.....cause You JUST MIGHT GET IT

Post by Murfreesboro » Wed Jun 12, 2019 7:30 pm

I'm sorry you had to experience such material loss, but I'm glad you like your current place and are back with us now!

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Re: Watch What you Wish For.....cause You JUST MIGHT GET IT

Post by Pumpkin_Head » Wed Jun 12, 2019 10:48 pm

Well, Murf, it's great to be back. I am also very grateful that I was not killed in that fire. As for my hew place, I would love to have some of the good people of here to visit my 'man cave.'


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Re: Watch What you Wish For.....cause You JUST MIGHT GET IT

Post by Murfreesboro » Thu Jun 13, 2019 7:47 pm

That could be fun! Meanwhile, share some pics, if you can.

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Re: Watch What you Wish For.....cause You JUST MIGHT GET IT

Post by Pumpkin_Head » Fri Jun 14, 2019 4:33 pm

As soon as I can get the file sizes down to a size that won't break the memory bank, I will post. I'm still trying to savemy pennies for a good photo editing software.


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