Macabre (1983)

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Macabre (1983)

Post by Nostalgiascape » Tue May 14, 2019 8:23 pm

Its appropriate that this brings the topic count to 666 because you would be better off exfoliating with a cheese grater then daring to let any part of this film to take up space in your memory.

I dont mind giving some spoilers out for this one because this movie is as wrong as it is poor of production. I cannot bring myself to believe it was released in any theater whose goal was not to close its doors the following week under threat of arson.

Basically a wealthy but sexually unfulfilled wife waits for her bread winner to go off to work, then breaks her promise to take her son and daughter to the movies, leaving them in the care of the lawn mower man so she could shimmy off and sleep with her lover, who looked like a failed attempt of an 80s tough guy.

Her daughter knows what's up, and angry, she drowns her brother, looks in her mothers little black book and tells her about it. Frantic, the mother has her lover drive her to her house, an accident happens while he tries to console her and hes impaled by a big run of steel.

She spends time in a mental health hospital and gets out, giving no damn about her children. Renting an apartment from a blind man who fawns over her, it's the same room she had her affair in and she sets up a shrine to her lover.

After so much horrible swanky saxaphone and bad acting, my determination to see it through crumbled. I forwarded all the way to the end and holy Christmas puppies I almost lost my supper. She has her rather brown and juicy corpse of her lover on her bed, shes naked and frenching his face, and as I sit here today I swear I would have been better off if I had hit myself in the hand with a hammer then dared to venture down this road.

I like opening creaky old doors and often discovering wonderful campfire tale movies worth passing on. The risk to opening such doors is sometimes you run into mind humping wrecks like this.
The dark night beckons. Bear us your soul, it whispers. Expose your wicked delights. Join the rest of us on the wind. The dark night beckons and we answer. Sailing into the shadows.

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Re: Macabre (1983)

Post by Murfreesboro » Sat May 18, 2019 9:05 am

I must confess, I laughed when you described that final scene. I'm sure you needed mind-bleach after watching it, though.

Some film makers seem to mistake gross for scary.

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Re: Macabre (1983)

Post by witchy » Wed May 22, 2019 2:47 pm

That sounds awful, thanks for sharing, I'm not watching it! :pale:

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