Should I Go?

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Re: Should I Go?

Post by Murfreesboro » Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:12 am

Kolchak, have you seen that Dinesh D'Souza documentary, America: Imagine the World without Her? I think that's the title. He talks about a culture committing suicide in that documentary, and when you used that term, too, it triggered my memory.

We are in bad shape, I agree, and it 's all because we have allowed our youth to be educated in a direction that is not good for our country. I keep thinking of that line from Yeats, "The best lack all conviction, and the worst are full of passionate intensity."

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Re: Should I Go?

Post by MauEvig » Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:54 am

Well I'm going to be up front and honest here, some of the words said in this thread did upset me a good deal, and I had to fight against my argumentative nature and my short temper to back away from it. I too was ready to just let it go, but I have found the discussion of the flag itself has gone beyond this thread as people at work have been talking about it now.
I've decided it doesn't really matter to me either way; if you support the flag then feel free to display it as you wish. If you don't, then don't get a confederate flag. It doesn't matter what you do, someone's going to be offended.

Jadewik I'd love to have that information to pass onto my cousin in PM. I'm sorry if I interpreted what you said as argumentative; looking back on it now I think you were simply trying to provoke me to think about the subject critically. I do not share the same religious beliefs now that I did back then. I try to tolerate everyone's beliefs but sometimes that's difficult.

I myself don't really like taking sides on things and I try to look at it from both perspectives. To be honest I do support gay marriage, but to enforce it in such a way that it makes it dominant over other types of marriage is simply seeing the pendulum swing in the other direction. I really think all the gay community wanted was to have equal rights with the straight community, but some things are taken out of proportion of course.

And I do actually agree with the Southern philosophy of not giving a lot of power to the central government. I really feel that the power belongs to the people and that the central government has too much control over our lives. At least if we are all given a chance to vote, we can say that it truly counts. I don't bother to vote because I'm tired of the whole democrat and republican ping-pong game that goes back and forth every election. The one time I did vote for a presidential election, I voted for Ralph Nader.

In the end; I didn't want to let a disagreement like this come between all of us and our common love of Halloween.
Nocturnal Purr-Fection

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Re: Should I Go?

Post by Murfreesboro » Tue Jul 14, 2015 8:01 am

If there were a "hugging" emoticon I'd give you a hug, Mau.

I'm sorry you feel it is useless to vote. I have to fight against that kind of despair, sometimes. I think, if the party I normally support doesn't choose a candidate I can get behind in the next presidential election, I may just write somebody in as a form of protest.

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Re: Should I Go?

Post by Kolchak » Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:10 pm

You go into a polling booth and have to hold your nose when you pull the lever.

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Re: Should I Go?

Post by leona2101 » Sun Mar 12, 2017 4:30 am

MauEvig wrote:Well that sounded disappointing Kolchak, but what would you do if you really did experience a ghost haunting? :lol:
We all know my stance on it. In otherwards: I'm paris airport car service just confused. That's the best way to describe it. :lol:
I'm with Murf on this one though. Maybe the ghosts don't like putting on shows for skeptics. :lol:
It's really a story to do!
I do not think ghosts really exist!

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Re: Should I Go?

Post by Murfreesboro » Tue Mar 14, 2017 7:27 pm

I've never seen one, but I'm not prepared to say they don't exist. I've had at least one odd experience in my life that might have been ghostly, but this stuff is very subjective.

The prominent English literary lion Samuel Johnson believed in them. He said that, since all cultures have ghost stories, he thought it was unreasonable not to believe in them.

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Re: Should I Go?

Post by Pumpkin_Head » Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:44 am

I would say go for it, and bring a camera. Even if you don't see or hear anything, your camera might. I do believe that there is something to the paranormal, but some people are more sensitive to it then others.


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