You're right about one thing for sure; indeed Atheists can be good and ethical people but I would never feel completely satisfied accepting their "doctrine" that "this is it." Deep down I would have a hunger and desire for a meaning and a purpose; as well as for spirituality of some kind.
But that doesn't mean they aren't right either. Trying to find some kind of meaning and purpose when in reality there isn't any; seems pointless. I mentioned on an ex-Christians group I was on that I had my own beliefs, but they pointed out that it wasn't much different than simply trying to find my own meaning, that I was just making things up as I go.
The only beliefs I'm certain of is that it's beneficial to show kindness to our fellow man, and do our best to help humanity. I believe we should help ourselves first because it would be difficult to help others if we aren't in a situation where we could help ourselves. I also believe in showing kindness and humane treatment of animals, and showing respect for the Earth as well as for life.
But the why...remains unanswered. I know doing the above is a good thing; I know being moral is good. I know things like murder, theft, rape and other atrocities are bad because they hurt people. But why they're bad is up in the air. I don't want to be a good person just because "God said so." I don't want to be a good person because it'll help me survive. I want to be a good person because deep down I know it's the right thing to do, even if there's no promise of a reward.
So I just try to be a good person. Sure there's a part of me that isn't such a good person, but we've all had our moments I'm sure. I admit I have a pretty nasty temper, but I try to keep it in check. That nasty temper I have I think stems from my anxiety, depression and insecurities.
My church wasn't entirely bad, I actually attended a couple different churches. But this one church really emphasized that we must accept Jesus's sacrifice or go to Hell. There was also a lot of paranoia about certain things being demonic. That we had to be careful about what was spiritual, or what was a trick by the devil. I always liked Harry Potter for example, but all the Christians kept saying how demonic it was. It's just a kid's story though and I enjoyed it. I couldn't even joke around about having a "split personality" with my Grandmother. "Oh that means you're demon possessed" she said. Yet my personality has always felt like it's been at odds with itself. One time she received news that she'd be getting a new skirting for her trailer. I was happy for her so I said "To the skirting!" because I thought it was an appropriate thing to say. But then she said "No to God!" It was like, every little thing had to be God, and if it wasn't it was the devil. Even things like ghosts were said to be demon spirits tricking us into thinking they were our dead loved ones. I once got into a debate with Jadewik over it; though it was about a ghost that supposedly haunted a local Dollar General store. You can see the discussion here:
Wow I re-read it and I realize just how immature I was at that age!
But I have to wonder how different the Bible story would have been, not merely if Adam and Eve hadn't eaten the forbidden fruit, but owned up to their actions. Adam tried to pin the blame on Eve, and Eve tried to pin the blame on the serpent. But suppose Adam and Eve had said "Yes God, I did disobey you and I sinned against you. I'm sorry, and I accept the punishment that I deserve" instead of what it said happened, would God have reacted differently? Or would the same course of action have taken place? I think pinning our wrong doings on Jesus doesn't sound like it's right either to be honest.
Of course, I'm not entirely sure if I'd be satisfied as a Christian either, because I'd always wonder if it was right, and there are things in the Bible I disagree with. But of course, I know you're not trying to convince me or anything. The pentecostal church wasn't really that bad, it emphasized a lot about spirituality and feeling the holy spirit. It was a good feeling, but then I realized I got the same euphoric feeling when I listed to say, some music from Sonic Adventure. I used to think God spoke to me to comfort me, then I realized it was just my own thoughts.
The alternatives seem to be Pagan and Eastern religions. But I'd be asking myself similar questions.
So I'm not sure if I'll ever have an answer that's satisfying to me. Sometimes I feel like it's between just accepting what the evidence says, trying to find evidence that goes against what most people say is right, or trying to believe and have faith in something that I'm going to be uncertain of. And if there is a God this entire time, hope that he doesn't just toss me in hell because I'm unsure. If there isn't, I guess hope I'm reincarnated, or just feel nothing and blip out as might be the case, or might not be.
What I really hate though, is not knowing. Though in a way, part of me is unsure if I want to know or not. If we do just cease to exist, then I'm not sure I want to know.