Theme for the year....wait for it.......

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Theme for the year....wait for it.......

Post by johnsoneliza52 » Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:53 pm

Many, many people are afraid of clowns...(I'm not)...grown men, little children, old ladies!!
We are thinking about a row of clowns that they have to walk thru (we just put in a walk path)..I want ones that bounce up and down, like a jack in the box...some 'nice' clowns that bobbing up and down..and some that are evil. A HUGE clown head at the front of the front porch with its mouth opened.....and starting to think about other props for the front yard..

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Re: Theme for the year....wait for it.......

Post by Boogeyman » Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:28 am

Stop clowning around already and get busy.
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Re: Theme for the year....wait for it.......

Post by Murfreesboro » Sat Apr 25, 2015 9:33 am


Great theme! Your yard haunt will be the talk of the neighborhood!

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Re: Theme for the year....wait for it.......

Post by Andybev01 » Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:01 pm

Nice horrifying clowns.
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Re: Theme for the year....wait for it.......

Post by MauEvig » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:16 pm

Eeeep! That is horrifying! :lol: Look forward to seeing the theme though.
I have no idea what we're doing this year. I want to have a bon fire and a party this year since Halloween is on a Saturday. Maybe get the neighbors into it. I've got all those blow ups that need to go out that were left with the property, so there's that. Hmmm....I suppose now would be a good time to put the ol' thinking cap on.
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Re: Theme for the year....wait for it.......

Post by Kolchak » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:58 pm

Every single politician out there is a clown. Those are the clowns you need to be scared of.

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Re: Theme for the year....wait for it.......

Post by Murfreesboro » Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:33 pm

That would be funny, wouldn't it, to get lots of cardboard cut-outs of current politicians and dress them in clown costumes. At least the parents would get a laugh out of it.

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Re: Theme for the year....wait for it.......

Post by Boogeyman » Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:52 pm

The problem is that inevitably someone would get offended especially if you included Obama. It wouldn't matter if you had the last ten presidents, someone would see racism in it.
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Re: Theme for the year....wait for it.......

Post by Murfreesboro » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:29 am

True enough.

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Re: Theme for the year....wait for it.......

Post by Kolchak » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:39 pm

Back in the 70's I was told in 20 years race would no longer matter. It matters more now than it did 40 years ago, and it ain't gettin' better imho.

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Re: Theme for the year....wait for it.......

Post by MauEvig » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:15 pm

Boogeyman I reckon you said what was on our minds and the rest of us are too afraid to say. When he was first elected my dad thought he looked like the Joker from Batman...the cartoon one. :lol:

I think the last few presidents have made a laughing stock out of our country. I honestly don't care what color their skin is, as long as they do their job right. I know some pretty intelligent black individuals that I work with that would do a much better job than Obama is. I wouldn't mind seeing a woman president; but I'm not crazy about the potential candidates.

Honestly I think one of the biggest problems is that we aren't giving another political party a chance. People will argue that it's a waste of vote, but technically isn't the mindset of voting for the same two parties over and over again because you want the "lessor of two evils" technically is wasting a vote? I hope that we see a different party in office one day. Maybe green or independent party should be given a chance? Of course we can't just blame the president either. We have to blame Congress and the Supreme court as well. I just wish there was a reset button on the whole thing.

That's just my opinion. However, going back to the subject without trailing off too far with the politics...clowns would definitely be a scary theme. And perhaps you can incorporate some kind of haunted carnival or haunted circus. Maybe you can also serve some Halloween themed cotton candy and have some carnival games set up.

Edit: Kolchak you have a great point. I'm all for civil rights and equality regardless of gender and race, but unfortunately the pendulum seems to swing from one side to the other. At this point we're too afraid to offend someone who is black because they might take it the wrong way. We're also too afraid to not hire someone who is black, even if their credentials aren't as good. Honestly I don't think it should matter but in many ways it does. I have friends who are black, and they're nice guys. We're still a long way away from true equality.
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Re: Theme for the year....wait for it.......

Post by Murfreesboro » Wed Apr 29, 2015 11:01 pm

Yeah, we're in a mess with the PC stuff. Ironically, this is pretty much the opposite of what Martin Luther King asked for when he said he wanted his children judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

I could go off on a tangent about the trouble with modern politics. I am more of a "strict constructionist" myself and would like to see everyone on every side pay a lot more attention to what the Constitution says, instead of always (it seems) trying to circumvent it.

I do think your suggestions about the haunted carnival are good ones for the Halloween yard haunt.

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Re: Theme for the year....wait for it.......

Post by johnsoneliza52 » Fri May 01, 2015 8:44 pm

I think it'll be fun... thanks for the support!
I agree with all the other messages though...I'm so over the PC stuff.. and MauEvig...I agree with Everything you said..and I can't say I've seen that many posts I could say that about!

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