It's cold out

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It's cold out

Post by MauEvig » Fri Feb 20, 2015 4:07 pm


...So how about some nice warm cake from the oven? I know the expiration date has passed, but it's only been a little over a month and cake mixes usually last a while. So what the heck? The frosting expired back in December, but it should be alright...I looked up online that it can last 3-4 months after the expiration date and it hasn't been opened.

Plus it's been so darn cold and I wanted to eat this Halloween cake mix up that I never got around to baking. So why not? lol
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Re: It's cold out

Post by MauEvig » Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:34 pm

Here's the cake all finished and frosted:


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Re: It's cold out

Post by vrb8919 » Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:45 pm

Should put you in Halloween spirit a little bit! Looks great!

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Re: It's cold out

Post by Murfreesboro » Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:52 am

Did it taste as good as it looks?

We've been really cold all week. This is the first morning we've been above freezing since last Sunday evening, I think. We were supposed to get 7 inches of snow on Presidents' Day, but it turned into ice, which couldn't melt because we stayed so darn cold. A little more snow on Weds., then more ice yesterday. Finally getting above-freezing rain today.

The good part? My husband (a teacher) & kids got a snow week. And we never lost power. Hooray!

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Re: It's cold out

Post by MauEvig » Sat Feb 21, 2015 1:28 pm

It was a very sweet cake and it did taste pretty good. :) I added a few extra ingrediants to the mix, including a box of vanilla pudding and some white chocolate chips.

We got a good bit of snow Monday and it continued on into Tuesday somewhat. I had 3 days off from College because of it, although Wednesday it seemed like we didn't really need to be off since the roads weren't that bad, and I'd got almost all the way to college before getting a text on my phone that the school was closed. It was supposed to be delayed. By the time Thursday came around, we had a delayed schedule but my mind had started going into vacation mode and despite the fact that I like going to college and enjoy being there, I just didn't feel up to it. Then Friday came and it was a normal schedule and felt more like a Monday. It was freezing cold Thursday and got into the negative numbers. Technically I don't even have to go in at all on Tuesday, but still it's nice to get a little college break even if it's an accidental one.

Today we're being visited by old man winter once again, and it's all white out side. At least it's slightly warmer. I'd rather be stuck at home and be a little warmer than be able to go out and about freely but be freezing. I think the cold literally got to my mind a bit since I couldn't think straight.

But since it has been so cold, I decided to bake up that cake mix. I thought about baking up some frozen cookie dough, but then decided on the cake instead. It really needed to be used up.

Be really careful if you have to go out in freezing rain. I'd rather go out in snow to be honest, and I wouldn't go out at all if you can help it. Right now looking outside makes me feel more like I'm at home in New York than here in the South. :lol: Sounds like we had a similar week, lots of snow days and freezing cold weather.

Who's ready for Spring? I know I am. I'd certainly prefer the "chilling" atmosphere of Halloween over the "chilling winter frost" any day. Scary chill trumps icey chill.

But hey at least it's pretty to look at. I'm sort of wishing I had a sled right now. One day I'd love to get a snow mobile. But otherwise, I'm happy to stay inside.
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Re: It's cold out

Post by MauEvig » Sat Feb 21, 2015 2:47 pm

vrb8919 wrote:Should put you in Halloween spirit a little bit! Looks great!

You're right vrb I think I am getting into the Halloween spirit a bit. Maybe it's because of all the "Little Halloweens" coming up this year, or just incidentally.

Or maybe because it's cold and wintery and I rather think about fall?

Nah who needs a reason to love Halloween year round? Thanks for the kind compliments. :)
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Re: It's cold out

Post by Andybev01 » Sat Feb 21, 2015 4:23 pm

I want cake now.

Its 67 outside & I just turned on the heat.

Any sympathy ?
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Re: It's cold out

Post by MauEvig » Sun Feb 22, 2015 1:23 am

:lol: Andy if it was 67 here, I'd be wearing shorts.

But I'd be happy to share the cake if I was talking to you all in person.
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Re: It's cold out

Post by Murfreesboro » Sun Feb 22, 2015 7:56 am

We got lots of snow when we lived in the Shenandoah Valley. I even saw a blizzard up there once. It is the mountainous side of VA.

I would have loved to have seen more snow and less ice this past week, but the ice had its own beauty. I recall one evening when a firetruck passed by, all flashing red lights, and the dogwood tree in the front yard lit up red as it passed by because the tree was coated in ice. It was the sort of thing you want to see at Christmas, but never do around here.

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Re: It's cold out

Post by MauEvig » Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:22 pm

That's exactly how I feel Murf, the snow always seems to come too late for Christmas. From what I heard it's rare to have a white Christmas around here. We got a little bit of snow, a mere light dusting in November, and then that was it up until recently, with a few little light dustings in between. Christmas day it was as green as a Spring day. We didn't have a lot of money this year, and all I wanted was a White Christmas. No presents, just beautiful white snow to enjoy for the day. This happened both Christmases in a row that I've been here. At least in New York even if it didn't snow we'd get a frost.
Now that we got a huge pile of snow outside I really wish this could have happened on Christmas Eve or Christmas day. Not only that, but people are running into the problem of needing to get winter related supplies and the stores are already cranking out the Spring and Summer stuff with very little winter related items left. We get the snow right at the time when we're starting to think about Spring, and I'm thinking about those summer barbecues and swimming in the river, and putting the bird feeders out and looking at all the beautiful blossoms.
I think the stores aren't in line with how the weather really is. And as much as I love seeing the fall and Halloween stuff coming out, I wasn't happy at all when they started to get rid of the Summer stuff toward the end of July. In September I could understand, but for me there's the whole month of August to go before Summer's over, but it really does feel like it's over when they get rid of the Summer stuff! I really wanted to get a nice porch swing with my Birthday Money, and my Birthday comes in late July. By the time I got the money to get a porch swing, they were all gone and I was livid. Toward the end of September they do tend to get the Halloween stuff out, but it's not long after that they are pushing that stuff out for the Christmas stuff and it's not even Halloween yet! Then they put the Thanksgiving stuff out before the Halloween stuff and when Halloween is over they start getting rid of it! It makes no sense to me, unless we live in Canada where Thanksgiving is in the middle of October instead of November. Right now would be the time to promote the cute little snowmen and snow flakes and winter related garments.
I really wish I could rework the entire industry. I might even be inclined to move Christmas into February and push Valentine's day into Spring time which would be nice for all the love birds. The problem then lays with the fact that December would have no Holidays, unless everyone just celebrated Hannukah, Kwanzaa and Yule during that time. But I just wish the stores would match the seasons. 9 times out of 10 they don't. Conversations on Facebook pointed out that if you want to get summer clothes, now is the time to do it.
Sorry for the mini rant but I do get frustrated with the way things work sometimes. :lol: Actually celebrating the winter holidays in February might be somewhat advantageous in a way, since a lot of people get their tax returns around this time of the year.
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Re: It's cold out

Post by Murfreesboro » Mon Feb 23, 2015 8:56 am

Staunton is the farthest north I've ever lived, so I was impressed with how much snow I saw there, rather than how little. I think we did have white Christmases occasionally. I know I saw a white Thanksgiving once.

Here in TN, I saw a bone fide white Christmas in 2010. My older son & I had gone to church at midnight on Christmas Eve, and when we emerged, it was snowing and had been for a while. Everything was white. This had started while we were inside, and I had been so busy preparing for Christmas that I hadn't even heard the weather report, so it was a lovely Christmas surprise for me. The only other time I recall snow on Christmas Eve was once in Arkansas, when I was about 15. Southerners get used to the idea that Christmas is never going to be white.

The stores keep pushing the next season because they are trying to get a jump on the competition, I guess. Sometimes it bugs me too, but it really is all about commercialism. I am not against capitalism ( my mother's family owned an advertising company, so it was sort of like religion with them). I have just learned to compartmentalize it, divorce myself from the ads and merchandise everywhere and pay attention to the seasons. It is irksome, though, if you want to buy a particular item, like that porch swing, and you can't find it in the stores. Right now I could use a new pair of winter gloves, but I doubt I could find one in the stores. If I did, it would be the pair nobody else wanted. :lol:

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Re: It's cold out

Post by Kolchak » Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:50 pm

Looks like we dodged the ice bullet in this part of Georgia. We got plenty of sleet and rain and a tad bit of snow, but it's too warm for any of it to stick. Supposed to be up into the 50s by Friday. While this kind of weather keeps the really bad guys off the streets, we must contend with car wrecks. So far we've been lucky and no fatalities in my neck of the woods, despite a few crashes. If you don't have to be out, don't go out, if you have ice and sleet. You need an M1A1 Abrams in ice, and even that is no guarantee you'll not have a wreck!

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Re: It's cold out

Post by Murfreesboro » Thu Feb 26, 2015 9:23 am

We got an inch or two last night, so the county schools are out (not the city schools). I am pleased to see genuine snow rather than ice out my window. I went out and threw a ceremonial snowball.

My husband and daughter both attend/work in the county, so they are home today.

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Re: It's cold out

Post by Andybev01 » Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:30 pm

Any sympathy now?

I mean, this is 3 hours away, I could get sprinkled on fer crissake!!

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Re: It's cold out

Post by Boogeyman » Thu Feb 26, 2015 5:53 pm

What is really important is how far it is by car. Like 8 hours?
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