For the Past year, I have been Working with Funkins to Make improvements on their Foam Pumpkin Line.
The New Pumpkins this year, Will be Somewhat Thinner for Easy Carving, Better Colors, More Shapes to choose from, and a Realistic Pumpkin Glow.
There's also Some BRAND NEW Shapes/Models Coming out this Year !
Here's Some Examples of the New Pumpkin Line (Carved by Yours Truly).
Carved on a Funkin Classic #8

Carved on a NEW White Funkins "Carvers Choice" (the Orange will carve and Glow the Same)

Carved on a 5" Funkin

Carved on another Classic #8

Carved on a Carvers Choice this time Shaded and Orange

This is the one that will be sold in the "Micheal's Stores)
We Fixed the Glow for Shaded Carving.

This is the Funkin Olton W-20" H-28" - that's a Micheals Pumpkin next to it for Scale

Funkin Tall Giant W-16" H-36" Un-Carved ( Micheals Pumpkin next to it for Scale)

Here's the Funkin Tall Giant (above) Carved

As you can See these Foam Pumpkins are more Natural Looking in both Color, Shape and Glow...
And they Actually Carve much Easier Now, There are NO More Globs of Foam inside. They are Smooth as Silk !!
Hobby Lobby Already has them on the shelves, Micheals, JoAnne Fabrics, and AC-Moore should have them out Next Month.
And they can be purchased Online on the Funkins Website (Year Round) http://store.funkins.com/
In the Micheal's Stores, They will tag them with a "Celebrate It!" Tag - We will need to Figure out, How to tell the difference Between Last years Model (that did not glow for shaded carving) to this Years Model that Does... Just in case Micheals places out Some of last years Stock.
NOTE: All Micheal's Pumpkin's will work for traditional Cut-Out Designs. But Make sure it's the Funkin Brand, the other brand has those God awful Lines inside.
For the 2014 NEW Pumpkin Line - Look for this Hang Tag (below).