Lawmaker wants to change date of Halloween!

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Re: Lawmaker wants to change date of Halloween!

Post by jadewik » Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:08 am

Murfreesboro wrote:If you know the kids in your neighborhood by sight, can you hold back some candy for them? That way, perhaps you'd run out for the interlopers, but not for the ones you know and want to treat.
Good idea... totally would, but I don't know many of the neighborhood kids by sight. I do hold back big goodie bags for children of family and friends.... so I s'pose that'll do okay. I think I'm going to have to start giving away ONE piece of candy before 7pm and do the handfuls later in the evening. Heheh.

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Re: Lawmaker wants to change date of Halloween!

Post by Li H'Sen Chang » Wed Jun 13, 2012 1:40 pm

I prefer when it is on Saturday to be sure.

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Re: Lawmaker wants to change date of Halloween!

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:57 am

On the surface it seems like a pretty good idea, but I am pretty much a traditionalist when it comes to Halloween and October 31st.


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Re: Lawmaker wants to change date of Halloween!

Post by NeverMore » Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:04 am

I agree with you Mike. The years that it's not on a weekend makes us appreciate when it is even more.

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Re: Lawmaker wants to change date of Halloween!

Post by writerpatrick » Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:00 pm

As a kid it was best when Halloween was on a Friday because you could get up the next day and watch cartoons while eating candy. Of course I don't recall those days because I was too high on sugar. :)

The only awkward day for Halloween is Sunday because of the religious context, although Mondays aren't great because everyone has partied out over the weekend. Tuesday and Wednesdays suffer from being in the middle of the week so you can't stay up too late if you have to get up the next day. Thursdays aren't quite as bad but Fridays are much better. The only downside of Fridays is that if someone plans a Halloween party the next day it feels a little odd. And people are more likely to go out to parties on a Friday or Saturday instead of staying home to give out candy.

Although if you consider that a ToT'er might start around the age of 3 and end around the age of 13, they may only experience a Friday or Saturday Halloween once or twice in their life, and those who get it twice may be too young the first time to remember it. So waiting for another year isn't practical. But again, Halloween is a fun day to go to school on because you get to see everyone dressed up. It makes the whole day more of a party.

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Re: Lawmaker wants to change date of Halloween!

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:23 pm

I love it when Halloween is on a weekend day or on a Friday, but I love it on any other day of the week, too. As I said, I am a traditionalist by nature, so when it comes to celebrating Halloween, I would prefer it be kept on October 31st rather then try to make it allways on a week end day.


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Re: Lawmaker wants to change date of Halloween!

Post by Murfreesboro » Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:00 am

Well, I've probably addressed this in previous years, but my feeling is that, if you officially change the date of Halloween, you will kill or at least depress it. Those holidays that get shifted to a Monday, or whatever--nobody ever really remembers what they are for.

In our community, and I suspect many others, the Halloween attractions are primarily happening this weekend, anyway. If my family wants to go on a haunted tour of the town, etc., we will need to do it on Friday or Saturday, because no one is going to be giving those tours on Weds. And the Parks & Rec Halloween Carnival is this weekend as well. I believe the area corn mazes will be having their big finale this weekend, not mid-week. Halloween night itself will be observed with neighborhood TOTing, and whatever private individuals want to do for fun.

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Re: Lawmaker wants to change date of Halloween!

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:16 am

Like I said, Halloween has always been on Oct 31st, and should be kept that way. The "movable" holidays you mentioned have been that way all the time, too, so I can see why they are, though with the exception of Thanksgiving, which is allways on the 4th Thursday of November, people do tend to use those days for cleaning out their attic or just taking a day off from work or school.


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Re: Lawmaker wants to change date of Halloween!

Post by Spider-Ridley » Wed Oct 08, 2014 6:08 am

HalloweenCom wrote:Connecticut legislator would prefer the state to recognize the holiday on a weekend, even if it means not celebrating on the 31st. A recent proposal by Conn. State Rep. Tim Larson pitched the idea of celebrating Halloween on the last weekend of October rather than the holiday’s traditional Oct. 31 date. Larson (D-East Hartford, South Windsor) ...
read more: ... -saturday/
That's crazy. Halloween should be celebrated on the day that it falls on, which is October 31st and not some other day. People should just leave some things alone and not mess with them.

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Re: Lawmaker wants to change date of Halloween!

Post by NeverMore » Tue Dec 09, 2014 8:11 pm

Oh crikey! Don't these people have bigger things to worry about? ... its-safer/

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Re: Lawmaker wants to change date of Halloween!

Post by Andybev01 » Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:28 am

If we start now we can have the world bubble-wrapped by next Halloween.
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Re: Lawmaker wants to change date of Halloween!

Post by Murfreesboro » Wed Dec 10, 2014 8:42 am

I really hope that resolution doesn't go anywhere. I hate the Halloween spoilers. They remind me of the people who want to monitor how much soda we buy/drink. Even though I dislike soda myself, I get so irked by these do-gooders who want to run everybody else's life.

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Re: Lawmaker wants to change date of Halloween!

Post by NeverMore » Wed Dec 10, 2014 12:08 pm

Hmmm.... looks like this guy may be in bed with the Halloween industry.

I wonder what a bunch of Halloween stores would gain by having Halloween always celebrated on Saturday?

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Re: Lawmaker wants to change date of Halloween!

Post by Murfreesboro » Thu Dec 11, 2014 9:23 am

Well, that little blurb sounded like they were discussing the classification of imported Halloween costumes for tariff purposes? I cannot see that it would benefit the Halloween industry to potentially shorten the season by celebrating on the closest Saturday.

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Re: Lawmaker wants to change date of Halloween!

Post by MauEvig » Thu Dec 11, 2014 9:34 pm

I don't think they should change the date of Halloween. Like the majority of people here, I do feel that having it on a Saturday makes it special when it lands on that day of the week.

That said, I would be ok with expanding the celebrations over the span of a week. That would be fun. Then ending with the traditional door to door trick or treating as the main event. So like, start one week prior to Halloween, maybe have things like haunted houses, ghost tours, business trick or treating, maybe school events that are involved, charity events (someone once mentioned filling a coffin with canned goods...I like that idea!), church fall celebration events, maybe movie theaters could offer screenings of the older classic monster movies, or some new horror movies to come out, all that could be during the week and then build up to the final big celebration of trick or treat, and not take away from the traditional holiday or the traditions behind it. Instead, you make the holiday bigger that way. The problem is, it would require the cooperation of an entire town or city to do that. Where I live it would be difficult, but I think it could happen. We got more Trick or Treaters this year than the last. Who knows, maybe we'll get even more in 2015!
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