same here it will be halloween before you know it,look how quickly january is going,Morticia wrote:Omg I KNOW! I've never done it this early before. I get worse every year. LOL!

same here it will be halloween before you know it,look how quickly january is going,Morticia wrote:Omg I KNOW! I've never done it this early before. I get worse every year. LOL!
Same here, MorticiaMorticia wrote:Omg I KNOW! I've never done it this early before. I get worse every year. LOL!
AWESOME!!!Nick Nefarious wrote:Most of my family and friends expect it from me by this point. Just about everything I do I try to incorporate a little bit of Halloween/horror into it. Case in point, this New Year's Eve my friends had a masquerade party, so what did I do? I made a paper mache Cthulhu mask
Want to meet my ex? She'll do it if anyone can.cookedcross wrote:I wish I were in a coma for eleven months out of the year. Really.