Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter Trailer

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Re: Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter Trailer

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:45 pm

Murf, Trueman Capote was very opened about his life style choice, and being the time frame in which he lived, was probably persecuted and threatened. He may have had a babyish sounding voice and was small in stature, but if you push any human being far enough, he or she is sooner or later going to snap when it gets to the point that they just can't take it any more. I've seen a few unlikely situations like that personaly. The particular incident I'm thinking in terms of is when the football bullys at my high school had it in for this one freshman who was very small for his age. It was likely that he suffered from a medical condition that kept him from growing up at the same rate as most other boys his age, so he was a lot like a little kid. This line backer, who looked to be about as big as a mack truck, tried to shove this kid's head into a used and unflushed toilet. (eeeewwwwww!!!! Disgusting) This little, twerpy looking kid kicked this jerk in the knee hard enough to break it, and the line backer couldn't play football any more. Talk about just deserts.

To add insult to injury, the football coach wanted to get that kid expelled from school because he crippled one of his best football players. Of course, he didn't get expelled, but he was put on a 2 day suspension, and a lot of us "geeky" looking guys looked up to him. We weren't bothered by that line backer again, ever. Of course you can guess, I HATED high school. ANOTHER New Lenox fiasko.


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Re: Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter Trailer

Post by Murfreesboro » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:43 am

Nice to see you around, Pumpkin. Maybe you've been here all along and I've just been missing you on the threads.

I never saw Capote. Perhaps I should check it out.

I was in grad school with Harper Lee's nephew. I watched a PBS documentary on her a few months ago, and it was funny to me to see his family--mom, late uncle for whom he was named, etc.

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Re: Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter Trailer

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:46 am

Murf, if you can find it on Netflix, it's well wroth the renatl fee.


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Re: Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter Trailer

Post by VanHelsingStandIn » Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:48 pm

A laugh riot "scary" movie with Truman Capote, called Murder by Death. It has Peter Faulk, David Niven and Peter Sellers in it. They play famous detectives locked in a house owned by Truman Capote.

Its based on a Neil Simmon play.

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Re: Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter Trailer

Post by Murfreesboro » Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:33 pm

That does sound as if it could be funny. I loved David Niven.

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Re: Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter Trailer

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:54 pm

I'm not a huge comedy fan, but everyone who saw "Murder by Death" when it was out in the theatres all tell me that it was really funny.


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Re: Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter Trailer

Post by VanHelsingStandIn » Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:14 pm

Little known fact regarding Lincoln as a Vampire hunter. He THOUGHT he'd killed all the vampires until one night he ran into Connor MacCleod of the Clan MacLeod.

Lincoln being a typical big mouthed politician thought he could bully what he thought was the young MacCleod. Heated words were exchanged about someones mother.....The next thing you know, Abe pulls out his ax, convinced Connor is one of the undead.

Connor kinda' chuckles to himself and says "don't sing it, bring it" Abe starts a chopping like you see in those cartoons where the blade is so fast it looks like a buzz saw. In fact Lincoln chops the house they are in totally in half. As the house falls apart after being neatly cut in two, the owner of the big log house comes up with the idea of Lincoln logs. Ten years later he retires a multi-millionaire.

But the duel to the death continues until Connor realizes he has an haggis in the oven back home. Lincoln goes for the homerun shot, which Connor ducks and then sends Abes bearded head into the cheap seats of Fenway Park.

Connor of course looks around the room.....Says..."There can be only one" and departs singing "Dixie" at the top of his lungs.

As Connor fades into the mist, the people inside the now cut in half house realize they have a big problem on their hands.

Secretary of War Edward Stanton says he has a cousin who wants to be an actor and also hates Lincoln. They get some glue and try and stick Abes head back on. They then take him to Fords theatre and put him in the Chevrolet balcony. They bring his wife Mary Todd over who is a major alcoholic, pill popper and has cataracts to boot, and prop her up next to the body.

Stanton gets his cousin Johnny "Wadd" Booth to pull the trigger and then he escapes down to Mexico where he starts a career as "Jaunito the Impaler" He becomes big on the adult circuit and later moves to Havana where he opens a string of theatres.

Everything else is covered up just like the fake moon landing, JFK being shot and Michael Jackson being a male and black.

The End.

Now. Aren't all of you happy to get away from all that fiction and know the truth?

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Re: Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter Trailer

Post by NeverMore » Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:49 am


I'm actually surprised to see there's a movie about Lincoln in the theaters right now. Don't the producers know that Honest Abe hasn't had much good luck in theaters?

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Re: Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter Trailer

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:28 am

VahHelsing, that was a funny story, but the Lunar Landing was NOT fake. It would have been a lot more difficult to fake such a thing then it would have been to actualy do it. Just the direction of the Apollo 11's radio transmissions were proof positive that the landing on the moon did, indeed occur. The Apollo 11 was tracked by ham radio operators from all over the world. Nothing fake about it.


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