Getting my sister into scary movies.

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Getting my sister into scary movies.

Post by whatsername90 » Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:59 am

She has always been too afraid to watch them, she's turning 15 and wants to be able to see some good horror movies this year in October and Haunted Houses also, so we've been doing like 1 a night.

So far we've watched : Paranormal activity 1,2 and 3 - Friday the 13th - The woman in black - Insidious

And she's already seen Sleepy Hollow and one of the Chucky movies... not sure which one. lol

Any ideas? She isn't fully ready for gore yet, like Zombieland freaked her out. lol She's like me, Haunted houses are her favorite type. Trying to transition one step at a time. hahah

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Re: Getting my sister into scary movies.

Post by witchy » Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:29 pm

My daughter is 16 and she likes 13 Ghost, The Sixth Sence, Lost Boys, Frighteners, The Howling, Witched if Eastwick, American Werewolf in london and Amityville. I hope this helps!!

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Re: Getting my sister into scary movies.

Post by Boogeyman » Mon Aug 06, 2012 4:05 pm

Has she seen Let Me In? While it has some elements of horror, it is not really a horror movie. I am willing to bet she will really like it. I did and I am a 42 year old male. But then again, I identified too much with Owen. I would have been the same age, and my parents were divorced and I was/am a loner.
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Re: Getting my sister into scary movies.

Post by whatsername90 » Mon Aug 06, 2012 5:24 pm

Wow thanks for those ideas! Amityville and Let me in are perfect! Thanks guys

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Re: Getting my sister into scary movies.

Post by Boogeyman » Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:43 pm

Without knowing your sister, it is kinda hard to make suggestions. But I will make another one. Maybe try some of the gothic Hammer horror. You know, like the Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing Dracula and Frankenstein series. They are not very gory at all but are more atmospheric period films.. Another really good movie is The Pit and the Pendulum with Vincent Price. Again not gory but a very atmospheric period film. But those three are still some of my favorite actors. There are a lot of great films with Vincent Price. I don't think you can really go wrong with them. They may not hold her interest though, since she is used to modern films.

I, of course, am a big horror movie fan but I find myself drifting towards the older stuff, and a lot of the Hammer Studios films are some of the best. I have been buying all of the Hammer Dracula and Frankenstein films on dvd. I only have a few more of each to go.

Please keep us informed on whether she enjoyed any of our suggestions.
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Re: Getting my sister into scary movies.

Post by NeverMore » Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:06 pm

If you want to try something older, though a little bit tame by today's standards, 'Ghost Story' (1981) always sent chills up my spine.

'The Shining' (1980)
'Poltergeist' (1982), of course.
'Lady in White' (1988)
'Stir of Echoes' (1999)

I also liked the Stephen King mini-series 'It' (1990), and 'The Stand' (1994), and 'Rose Red' (2002).

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Re: Getting my sister into scary movies.

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:34 pm

Here is what I would suggest:

"The Haunting" original
"The Haunting" Remake
"House of Dark Shadows"
"Night of Dark Shadows"
"Race With the Devil"
"The Changeling"
"The Amitville Horror" original
"The Amityville Horror" remake
"Halloween" remake and original
"The Omen" Original. The remake was a LOUSY MOVIE.
"The Exorcist"
"The Car"
"Motel Hell"

For a more mild but great story, I would suggest the following Universal Monster classics:

"Dracula" Bela Lugosi version
"Frankenstein" Boris Karlov version
"The Wolf Man" Lon Chaney version
"Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man"
"House of Frankenstein"
"House of Dracula"
"Dracula's Daughter"
"Son of Dracula"

For the Dan Curtis Fan in her:

"The Strange Case of Dr Jeckyl & Mr. Hyde" Dan Curtis version
"Dracula" Dan Curtis Version
"Frankenstein" Dan Curtis Version
"A Picture of Dorian Grey" Dan Curtis Version
"Turn of a Screw"


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Re: Getting my sister into scary movies.

Post by Murfreesboro » Fri Sep 14, 2012 12:06 pm

I like the movie Mary Reilly, with Julia Roberts and John Malkovich. It is a retelling of Jekyll & Hyde from the POV of a maid who works in the house. It is very atmospheric and has some erotic suggestion, but it doesn't show any love-making. There is one scene of a very bloody bedroom after Hyde kills someone. You don't see it long, more glimpses.

Sleepy Hollow is a great favorite of my 15-yr-old daughter's, also Corpse Bride (that one isn't scary, though, just charming).

From Hell is a good, atmospheric Jack the Ripper movie starring Johnny Depp & Heather Graham.

Although it was very short-lived, our whole family loves the TV series Moonlight from several years back. Only 16 episodes. You can still find it because it starred Alex O'Laughlin, who now does Hawaii Five-0. It was a vampire series on CBS, so it adhered to prime-time over-the-air restrictions. IOW, not too OTT, but a good story.

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Re: Getting my sister into scary movies.

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:26 pm

For some reason, I foung 'From Hell" to be more depressing then creepy.

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Re: Getting my sister into scary movies.

Post by whatsername90 » Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:24 pm

Thanks for all of your suggestions, guys! We watched "The Omen" original last night and she liked it a lot. "Sleepy Hollow" is her favorite actually so far, as well as "The woman in black" and the "Paranormal Activity" series.

I haven't shown her "From hell" but I actually enjoyed that movie myself, it was a very interesting view on the Jack the Ripper story, and I love Johnny Depp so... lol

We were trying to watch Carrie (one of my personal favorites and probably my Halloween costume this year) last night, but on netflix they only had the remake. I'm definitely renting the original, but how is the remake? Never seen it myself.

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Re: Getting my sister into scary movies.

Post by NeverMore » Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:10 am

Didn't see the Carrie remake myself but guess what... they're making yet another remake. Sheesh! I wish I was a Hollywood script writer. Has to be the easiest job in the world.

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Re: Getting my sister into scary movies.

Post by NeverMore » Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:36 am

Almost forgot... I read that the original Halloween is going to be back in select theaters this year, like they did with Ghostbusters last year. If you have an IMDB account and supply your zip code the Halloween webpage should keep you apprised if it's showing near you. How much fun would it be to take you sister to see that on the big screen?!?

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Re: Getting my sister into scary movies.

Post by Boogeyman » Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:51 am

NeverMore wrote:
Almost forgot... I read that the original Halloween is going to be back in select theaters this year, like they did with Ghostbusters last year. If you have an IMDB account and supply your zip code the Halloween webpage should keep you apprised if it's showing near you. How much fun would it be to take you sister to see that on the big screen?!?

Or just go to:
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Re: Getting my sister into scary movies.

Post by whatsername90 » Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:50 pm

NeverMore wrote:
Almost forgot... I read that the original Halloween is going to be back in select theaters this year, like they did with Ghostbusters last year. If you have an IMDB account and supply your zip code the Halloween webpage should keep you apprised if it's showing near you. How much fun would it be to take you sister to see that on the big screen?!?

Wow! I'm going to go check now, thanks!

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Re: Getting my sister into scary movies.

Post by Murfreesboro » Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:57 am

I think the original Halloween is the best of all the slasher movies. I like it a lot because the babysitter succeeds in protecting the children.

Mike, I can understand why you might have found From Hell depressing. It has a sad ending. I really like the atmosphere, the suspense, and the suggestion of romantic attraction between Johnny Depp & Heather Graham.

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