Let's all go to Dracula's house!

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Let's all go to Dracula's house!

Post by NeverMore » Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:17 am

DracTours.com takes groups of people twice a year to tour and spend the night at Dracula's castle. This year, the summer trip is going to be between June 15th and the 22nd, and to celebrate Friday the 13th, they're giving a free t-shirt plus a $100 gift voucher to anyone who books in the next 13 days. Personally, I don't think I'd push my luck by flying on Friday the 13th next July.

http://www.examiner.com/haunted-places- ... -dractours

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Re: Let's all go to Dracula's house!

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:48 pm

There are only 2 things keeping me from doing that. First and foremost, money. With two vehicles to pay off, it's pretty hard to save for a trip like that. 2ndly, I HATE comercial air travel with a passion. I would rather have my apendix taken out then have to do a major trip on a comercial airliner ever again, after the way I was jerked around by Pam Am (who are unsuprisingly out of business) and JAT (also out of business).

I would much rather take a 'haunted road trip' on my motorcycle or in my car. And Dracula's castle is in Romania, so I may go one of these years, but only if I can get myself to the point that I'm ready to give the airlines industry another chance. Better yet, if I could book a ride on a cruise ship to Romania, do a side trip to Drac's Castle, and then cruise ship back home, then I might be up for that. But I CAN'T STAND comercial flying any more. I would rather have my apendix taken out, a root canal and an ICE COLD ENAMA all in the samd day then trust my vacation to a comercial airline any more.


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Re: Let's all go to Dracula's house!

Post by zoltan hound dracula » Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:52 pm

wow how cool would that be,spending halloween night in dracula"s castle,that would be a dream come true, :)

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Re: Let's all go to Dracula's house!

Post by Morticia » Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:00 pm

Oh I would LOVE to do that!
Be afraid....be very afraid!

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Re: Let's all go to Dracula's house!

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:01 pm

Actualy if I could afford that, I would love it. Either Dracula's Castle, or maybe the Tower of Londen. But like I said, I am not too sure about the Airlines Industry, and my finances couldn't handle it right now. Especialy if I go by cruis ship.

But let me leaave you all with a thought. I posted a thread about October of 2017. As it turns out, the 13th of October actualy falls on a Friday in the year 2017, and it is SLIGHTLY possible that I might manage to get the money together by then. I did talk to a few people in the Halloween General message board about doing something along the line of an October get-together at some haunted place on Friday October 13trh in the year 2017. The conversation went on for quite a while, but it scrolled off, as it inevitable would like any other thread. But it is something we should at least think about. IT's 2012 now. 2017 is 5 years away. Not a severely long wait, but it is possible to put aside a few buck here and there for a trip to Romania and to Dracula's Castle. I might even rent a motorcycle if I can swing it.


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Re: Let's all go to Dracula's house!

Post by NeverMore » Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:37 pm

Pumpkin_Man wrote:or maybe the Tower of Londen.
I'd love to go there! Especially after seeing the video below. The guy is a hoot! Kick back, grab a soda and some chips, and watch the videos. Just try not to laugh the chips through your nose.

Yeoman Warden At Tower Of London

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Re: Let's all go to Dracula's house!

Post by zoltan hound dracula » Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:42 am


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Re: Let's all go to Dracula's house!

Post by Murfreesboro » Sat Jan 21, 2012 8:46 am

I haven't had a chance to view these videos. Have to get to those later. But I have been to the Tower of London, many years ago, when I was 19. I recall I went through it with a passel of English schoolchildren who were on a field trip. I recall seeing the crown jewels, some coats of (tiny) armor (the men were way smaller back then), and the corner where Anne Boleyn was executed. But mainly I remember the ravens, whose wings had been clipped so they wouldn't fly away (some superstition or other about England falling when the ravens left the Tower). I mean, these bird were as big as dogs.

The Tower, of course, isn't one tower, but more like a fortress, and it abutts the Thames.

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Re: Let's all go to Dracula's house!

Post by NeverMore » Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:31 pm

Murfreesboro wrote:The Tower, of course, isn't one tower, but more like a fortress, and it abutts the Thames.
When you watch the videos you may enjoy the part about the moat. Or it may gross you out? Did you do the guided tour when you were there? I don't know if all the guides are as funny as this guy but if they are it's definitely worth doing the tour.

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Re: Let's all go to Dracula's house!

Post by The Duchess » Sun Jan 22, 2012 6:37 am

Wouild like to do that.


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Re: Let's all go to Dracula's house!

Post by Murfreesboro » Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:58 am

NeverMore wrote:
Murfreesboro wrote:The Tower, of course, isn't one tower, but more like a fortress, and it abutts the Thames.
When you watch the videos you may enjoy the part about the moat. Or it may gross you out? Did you do the guided tour when you were there? I don't know if all the guides are as funny as this guy but if they are it's definitely worth doing the tour.
I finally got the chance to view these videos. I learned more about the Tower than I knew when I was there! No, I didn't do any kind of guided tour that day. Not sure why. I was in London for one week with a student tour from my college. Being college students, we weren't herded about, but rather, we were allowed to explore on our own. I went to the Tower with another girl, and we explored it on our own. I don't think either of us knew about the guided tours, or perhaps we didn't go there at the right hour, or we didn't want to spend the money. This guy on the video is amazing, though, both informative and very funny. I wish I had known some of that stuff, like the way the spiral stairways were oriented, etc., when I was there.

I'm glad he said the moat had been filled in, because I didn't remember a moat, and when you spoke of it, I wondered why I didn't remember that!

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Re: Let's all go to Dracula's house!

Post by Pumpkin56 » Wed Feb 22, 2012 4:10 pm

Alright it's settled. We'll all pack our bags and start at the Tower of London, then head over to the catacombs in Paris, and then finish our haunted travels at Drac's castle where we can all kick back and relax comfortably. Those of you who cannot make it, no worries. One of us will send you a skull as a souvenier.

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Re: Let's all go to Dracula's house!

Post by zoltan hound dracula » Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:41 am

Pumpkin56 wrote:Alright it's settled. We'll all pack our bags and start at the Tower of London, then head over to the catacombs in Paris, and then finish our haunted travels at Drac's castle where we can all kick back and relax comfortably. Those of you who cannot make it, no worries. One of us will send you a skull as a souvenier.
THATS AWESOME PUMPKIN56,ARE YOU PAYING :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Let's all go to Dracula's house!

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Sat Feb 25, 2012 7:43 pm

I would love to make a trip like that, but until I get both my car and my bike paid off, it's pretty much a 'no-go' for me. The only other roblem is I HATE the comercial air lines industry with a passion. Overbooked flights, delays, cancelations, lost luggage, incompetence, missed conecting flights and rerouts. Believe it or not, I get a lot less frustraited if I drive. Unfortunately there is no highway that goes from Dwight Illinois to Trnaselvania, so if I am ever to visit Drac's Castle in person, I'm going to have to bite that bullet and book a flight. Perhaps I can book a top of the line first class flight, so I can avoid all the headaches of cut rate air travel.


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Re: Let's all go to Dracula's house!

Post by becky666 » Thu May 30, 2013 6:19 pm

i would love to go to Draculas house

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