by Pumpkin_Man » Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:58 pm
Chang, you're DARN TUTIN I'm serious about the calender. All of my life, and for countless hundreds of years, we've been using the Gregorian system, and IT WORKS!! There's an old saying: "If it aint broken, don't fix it." This 'new fangled' calender is going to louse up everything. Take Halloween, for instance. There won't be any more October 31st, so does that mean that Halloween will be on the 30th of Oct, or the 1st of Nov. Catholic tradition calls for Nov 1st to be All Saints Day, so already we have a problem. Perhaps they will come up with another new fangled notion to eliminate the celebration or observance of Halloween all together. Another problem is Christmas being on a Sunday every year. With Christmas on a weekend every year, business no longer have to give anyone the day off. The total death of that holiday, in other words. It will just be a special weekend, as will New Years Eve and Day. The most serious problem, however, is with the observance of Lent and Easter. Easter on the Catholic calender is a moveable feast, which allways falls on the first Sunday after the first Full Moon AFTER the vernal equinox. This new fangled fiasko will totaly screw that up, and alienate a billion Catholics world wide.
The entire purpose for this whole calender change is so that corporate weenies can make bigger proffits. IT will actualy be a huge ecconomic bennifit. To the very richest of the rich, not to us workins stiffs. We will be done out of our Christmas Holiday, we'll be done out of Easter, and very likely we'll be done out of Halloween.
I don't mean to rant on like this, but this is a VERY VERY BAD IDEA. Oh, and they also want to put EVERYBODY on 24 hour Military time, too. That means that you'll be getting up at O whatever hundred, and coming home from work at 0 1600 or 0 1700 or what ever. It will create MASSIVE confusion, MAJOR problems for all the clocks, watches and other devices that operate on the Standard 12 hour time and Gregorian Calender.
I'm sorry, but I hope this idiotic change in a most valuable TRADITION never happens, at least not within my life time.