True story that happened to me

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Broken Dreams
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True story that happened to me

Post by Broken Dreams » Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:59 pm

When it comes to things of the paranormal world I'm one of the biggest skeptics
around. When it comes to paranormal shows on tv I'm very suspicious because I know how
audio and video can be manipulated very easy. However my family and I lived in a house in
Stratford Oklahoma and it didn't take long to figure out that we weren't alone in the house.
One night while sleeping my wife was awakened by someone pushing her and saying "Mom"
when she looked no one was there. We would constantly see shadow people either in the house or in my shop. Things had a habit of disappearing for days and show up somewhere else in the house. One day my wife and I were sitting in the den and we were not more than 3 feet
apart when we heard very loudly a woman saying "Hello" and the voice was between my wife and I. I looked out the door to see if someone was outside no one there I looked around the house still no one there. My wife and I looked at each other in total amazement. We were constantly hearing old time music like from an old victrola or it would be distant music that we couldn't quite make out. While in my shop one day I was working on a project at my bench
and I had this piece of equipment that was used for sweeping parking lots it weighed about 700 to 800 pounds it had a rotating broom on the front of it that was in the upright position
I heard a very loud bang from that side of the shop I went to see what it was and it turned out that the rotating broom had fallen by itself this broom weighed about 20 pounds.
I was the only one in the shop at the time. Now mind you I'm still skeptical just not as much
They're coming to take me ah ha they're coming to take me ho ho
to the happy home.

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Re: True story that happened to me

Post by Murfreesboro » Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:06 pm

That's a creepy story. I would be especially creeped out if some phantom nudged me in the night and said "Mom."

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Re: True story that happened to me

Post by witchy » Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:29 pm

The mom thing wouldn't creep me out but the nudge would!!! I think I would love that house tho...

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