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Re: What do you guys think about trick-or-treaters without...

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:34 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
Right on, Adrien. People who try are the real winners, even if they can't shell out 50 bucks for a costume rental. One year a little girl came to my door. All she had on was a pair of "bunny rabbit" ears that she had made from a paper plate. I gave her a piece of each kind of candy that I was giving ot that year because she honored 'Trick or Treat' TRADITION.


Re: What do you guys think about trick-or-treaters without...

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:55 pm
by Ghoul of the Graves
I purchased some facepaints today for £2.50, I haven't painted my own face before but I'm going to try this year. I don't have the money to make the Werewolf costume I wanted to make so I figured Two Face from the Batman comics would be a cheaper, and fun, alternative.
I haven't got a job (I'm 15 and work is scarce) and I've saved my money for a few weeks now so hopefully I can make this costume work.

I agree with Adrian and Pumpkin_Man. Part of the Tradition is costume, even if it is homemade at least it's a costume :D

This is Two Face, by the way (from 2008's The Dark Knight):


I'll be trying to do Two Face from the comics, though, because that would be too hard.

Either this one:


Or this one:


Re: What do you guys think about trick-or-treaters without...

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 12:52 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
That's probably the most realistic face painting I ever saw. Great job.


Re: What do you guys think about trick-or-treaters without...

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:50 pm
by Ghoul of the Graves
That's not mine. That's from a movie.

Re: What do you guys think about trick-or-treaters without...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:25 am
by wendythewitch
its funny this thread is posted here. i was just thinking the very same thing. i go to a lot of trouble for trick or treat. i dress up, decorate my yard and use sound effects all in the hope of having fun during trick or treat. kids without costumes are USUALLY just plain lazy. it ticks me off. im thinking of putting up a sign too. i dont care if i get TP"d. so, i'll clean it up, i'll be out there dismantling everything anyway. another thing that bugs me are parents toting BABIES collecting candy....come on..we all KNOW its for the parents, they can go buy some if they want it that bad and they should be home passing out candy! babies have no business being out during trick or treat. they hate it, its cold and there are scary costumes. teenagers too lazy to make a costume wont be getting candy from me either. trick or treat is for children..not parents, not 16 and 17 year olds too lazy to make any attempt at a costume unless they are with a younger child. adn dont even get me started on "my other kid is sick" always smacks of someone just trying to double up on candy. oh, i'll give it to them because there is always a chance that its true..but i hate it. i think it would be funny to pretend to be concerned and interrogate the parents..."oh dear, is it the swine flu?".."how old is he?" "awww, did he miss school?"..lmao, the fakers will show themselves. oh i am so EVIL..... :twisted:

Re: What do you guys think about trick-or-treaters without...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:03 am
by WitchyMama
My children went ToT'ing as babies. Not once did they cry or whine or "hate it". All the candy I received went to older kids in my husbands family. Was it for me? sure as hell was! Considering that where I live, I wouldn't have had any ToT'ers show up at my house anyway....I didn't feel like sitting around my house doing nothing. And considering I always do something on Halloween, I took mine ToT'ing. I can't imagine Halloween lovers NOT involving their babies.

Re: What do you guys think about trick-or-treaters without...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:27 pm
by Ghoul of the Graves
wendythewitch wrote:its funny this thread is posted here. i was just thinking the very same thing. i go to a lot of trouble for trick or treat. i dress up, decorate my yard and use sound effects all in the hope of having fun during trick or treat. kids without costumes are USUALLY just plain lazy. it ticks me off. im thinking of putting up a sign too. i dont care if i get TP"d. so, i'll clean it up, i'll be out there dismantling everything anyway. another thing that bugs me are parents toting BABIES collecting candy....come on..we all KNOW its for the parents, they can go buy some if they want it that bad and they should be home passing out candy! babies have no business being out during trick or treat. they hate it, its cold and there are scary costumes. teenagers too lazy to make a costume wont be getting candy from me either. trick or treat is for children..not parents, not 16 and 17 year olds too lazy to make any attempt at a costume unless they are with a younger child. adn dont even get me started on "my other kid is sick" always smacks of someone just trying to double up on candy. oh, i'll give it to them because there is always a chance that its true..but i hate it. i think it would be funny to pretend to be concerned and interrogate the parents..."oh dear, is it the swine flu?".."how old is he?" "awww, did he miss school?"..lmao, the fakers will show themselves. oh i am so EVIL..... :twisted:
I'm 15, 16 next June, and I still love ToTing and dressing up for Halloween. If I came to your door at 16 years old fully dressed up would I get candy? Lol :lol:

Re: What do you guys think about trick-or-treaters without...

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 9:19 am
by adrian
you'd get candy at my house :) there are some towns that celebrate halloween seriously and teenagers are common toters :)

Re: What do you guys think about trick-or-treaters without...

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:21 am
by jadewik
When I was 12, I hadn't planned on going Trick-or-Treating, but my sister talked me into it... I didn't have a costume ready, so I just threw on my old witch costume a key-ring belt and carried a plastic axe and went as an "Axe Murderer".... I will NEVER, EVER forget the grilling I got from this one old man who wasn't buying my costume.... but like I would ever wear what I was wearing in public on any normal night... still... it's caused me to re-evaluate my costumes. I still don't like masks (I hate them) or makeup (I'm allergic), so my costumes never include those... but I try for something festive and authentic looking.

I think kids SHOULD wear costumes. I'm providing a good (candy) for a service (seeing your costume)... this is at my expense, so I'd better be happy with the results. If I'm not... I'll ask for an explanation of the costume or a joke as an alternative (I do love a good pun). I'm giving out candy to be amused-- since I can't in good conscience go door-to-door (I have no kids)...

I also require you to say "Trick-or-Treat" at my house.... even the Hispanic people who "No Hablas Ingles"... honestly... if you're going to capitalize on an American tradition you need to follow "the rules". So tell me... "Como se de se "Trick-or-Treat" en Espanol?" when you get to my house.

Re: What do you guys think about trick-or-treaters without...

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:23 am
by adrian
lol yea... if they've understood enough english to LEARN of our free candy giving tradition.. i'm sure they've learned the words trick or treat

Re: What do you guys think about trick-or-treaters without...

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:34 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
When people go TOTing with no costume or even a mask, it not only spoils a tradition, but it turns a fun tradition into simple begging. I don't now if I could ba as hard lined about it as some of you are, but I am obviously partial to those whu uphold TRADITION. When I hear "Trick or Treat!" and the person sayig it is in some kin of a costume or mask, I'm very generous. Luckily, I have not had too many come to my house with no costume, but there's allways 1 or 2 people who do it.

As for parents bringing babies, I think it's cute, and it's never too early to introduce a child to the Trick or Treat TRADITION. It's never to early to introduce a child to any TRADITION. We feed infants turkey baby food on Thanksgiving. We show them how to hand up their stockings for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, and we show them all the presents they got on Christmas morning. We give them Birthday parties, and Easter Baskets. So why would we not introduce them to Halloween and Trick or Treat. Surely you can't set them down in front of the tv with a DVD of "The Texas Chainsaw Massechere" playing, but you can dress them up in a costume and introduce them to the concept of TOT. And as I said many times before, ANYONE, who comes to my door on Halloween, wears some kind of a costume, I don't care if it's just a pointed hat or a chefs hat, and says "Trick or Treat," that person is getting candy. That's TRADITION.


Re: What do you guys think about trick-or-treaters without...

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 12:41 am
by joossa
Thanks for the input guys. After asking the same question in different forums, I have decided not to put up a sign.

Instead, I am just going to hand out wrapped gum balls that I got from the dollar store to those kids without anything on. The better candy will go to to those with costumes.

It's almost time guys.... That date is creeping up fast. :)

Re: What do you guys think about trick-or-treaters without...

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:56 am
by adrian
the date is creeping up fast and yes... i like your idea of handing the ones in costumes good candy and to those wearing nothing..... a tooth brush lol

Re: What do you guys think about trick-or-treaters without...

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 3:07 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
Or a paper note that says "Better luck next year," ro do a "Charlie Brown," and give them a rock.


Re: What do you guys think about trick-or-treaters without...

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 3:13 pm
by adrian
HAHAHAHA that's it :) i'll put a rock in there :)