when you were a kid

What do you do when you Trick or Treat?
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when you were a kid

Post by dark master » Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:19 pm

did you take special care of your little bag of goodies at halloween,or did you gobble down all of your treats in one night?

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Re: when you were a kid

Post by Pumpkin56 » Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:31 pm

Ha! I protected my candy like it was gold! I grew up with three siblings so we all learned very early on that it's best to hide your trick-or-treat loot and only bust it out when you were absolutely sure you were alone so that nobody could see where it's hiding place was :) I didn't just hide it from my siblings--I had to hide it from my sneaky dad too because he was always stealing everybody's Snickers! :lol:

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Re: when you were a kid

Post by ofwgdgaf » Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:52 pm

Haha I remember eating some of it at night then saving it for the rest of the days. My drawer is still decorated with my old candy wrappers when I trick or treated about two years ago :lol:

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Re: when you were a kid

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:53 pm

First of all, I had so much candy I couldn't possibly gobble it all down in one night. My Halloween candy often lasted until the week of Thanksgiving. Secondly, we were completely forbidden to eat any candy until our parents checked for razor blades, neadles or other harmful things. (but I often snitched a few pieces anyway) 3rdly, there was allways the 'junk' candy, which we didn't like. Licorice and various other kinds were usualy relagated to the 'unwanted' candy jar where my father and oldest brother often dived into.

It's hilarious, but my younger sister and I allways faught over the 'good stuff' like Snickers, Reeses or Nestles Crunch bars, and my father and oldest brother use to fight over the licorice. Jamee and I would toss a coin or play 'Rock, Paper, Scisors" for the atove mentioned candy bars, when there were extras, and my father and oldest brother would do exactly the same thing for the licorice.


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Re: when you were a kid

Post by Lillith » Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:07 pm

I'd have some when I got it home, and I'd save some too. Always keeping it hidden from my candy-thieving sister! :D
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Re: when you were a kid

Post by Spookymufu » Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:13 pm

my candy got eaten by everyone in the house after Halloween, it was a community pot.......OMG, my family were candy socialists!!!

lol ;)
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Re: when you were a kid

Post by johnsoneliza52 » Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:20 pm

I used to sit down and put everything in piles; all the same together. Then, I was allowed to have 3 or 4 pieces that night. The rest was put away by my Mother, and I could only have a few at a time.

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Re: when you were a kid

Post by Lillith » Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:22 pm

Spookymufu wrote:my candy got eaten by everyone in the house after Halloween, it was a community pot.......OMG, my family were candy socialists!!!

lol ;)
Hahaha!!! Yeah I got made to do that alot, and I actually didn't mind sharing. It was the thieving! ;)
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Re: when you were a kid

Post by Undertaker » Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:22 pm

Probably about two nights to a week to finish it all off!
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Re: when you were a kid

Post by Murfreesboro » Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:54 am

I always had candy left in February and gave the last of it to my dog. Candy was never, ever what it was about for me. It was just a sign of a good Halloween if I brought home a lot of it. I was totally about the costuming and the street and the night.

That said, the chocolate wouldn't go begging, and there were a few hard candies I liked, too. But eventually, after two or three weeks, I would lose interest in it, and my mother would start picking around in it. Whatever she didn't want, the dog eventually got.

I was an only child, so I don't have those memories of kids snitching each other's candy, or swapping. My own kids would swap out on Halloween night.

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Re: when you were a kid

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:25 am

There were simular rules in our house. I was pretty 'slick' about hiding myself a little "stash" in my toy box, though. My sister and I each had our own toy boxes, and it was more orless an unwritten rule that we never went to each others toy boxes. It was great when my brothers Jack and Jim married and moved out of the house. I got my own room, so I had all kinds of neat palces to "stash" the 'good stuff'

Then in 7th grade, I felt I was too old, felt self consience about ToT, and I quite ToTing. Being the "mean little monster' that I was, I would 'swipe' candy from my younger sister when she wasn't looking. (narf narf)


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Re: when you were a kid

Post by Jack Skellington » Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:50 pm

I used to eat a little of it when I got back home, the rest I would eat over the next week. The pieces I didn't like I gave to my Mum & Dad.
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Re: when you were a kid

Post by Andybev01 » Fri Oct 21, 2011 7:33 pm

I tried to make mine last but usually had it finished within a week.

I had a (sad) friend whose parents confiscated his and doled it out a few pieces at a time in his school lunches.

It would last months and got a little creepy around New Years.
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