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Halloween Spending to Hit an All-Time High -- The Motley Foo

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:45 pm
by HalloweenDot
Halloween Spending to Hit an All-Time High -- The Motley Fool - Motley Fool
Motley FoolHalloween Spending to Hit an All-Time High -- The Motley FoolMotley FoolIt takes more than carving a pumpkin to get ready for Halloween in many homes. Image source: Wal-Mart. Halloween used to mean homemade costumes or ...Blog: Superhero Tops 2016 Halloween Costume SurveyCBS LocalHalloween Sales Expected To Reach Record $8.4 Billion In 2016PYMNTS.comNew Providence Halloween Costume Drive This WeekendPatch.comNational Retail Federation (press release) -NY Metro Parents -CPAPracticeAdvisor.comall 10 news articles » ... -high.aspx