How Halloween is getting bigger in Hemet - Press-Enterprise
Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 9:07 am
How Halloween is getting bigger in Hemet - Press-Enterprise
Press-EnterpriseHow Halloween is getting bigger in HemetPress-EnterpriseExpect more tricks and even more treats as the Valley-Wide park district and the Ramona Bowl have joined forces for a Halloween event. Valley-Wide's haunted house, the community's longest running Halloween event, will be combined with Boo at the Bowl, ... ... unted.html
Press-EnterpriseHow Halloween is getting bigger in HemetPress-EnterpriseExpect more tricks and even more treats as the Valley-Wide park district and the Ramona Bowl have joined forces for a Halloween event. Valley-Wide's haunted house, the community's longest running Halloween event, will be combined with Boo at the Bowl, ... ... unted.html