well this was weird,,,,

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well this was weird,,,,

Post by Hallow's Queen » Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:06 pm

though this is not a picture, it is more of an experience.

the other day i was outside my bus stop with my friend and a couple of other kids.. Me and my friend and i were talking and then we stopped and i listened to some music, and waited as i danced in the street like an idiot (but back to my point!) so i was facing one way and everyone else was facing the street so, i was facing a persons yard. Then i saw this really wierd gust of mist just travel across the yard and then vanish into the next. It was just a big mass, that was undifined and last about 3 -4 seconds. And it was really creepy. Makes me thinks it was some kinda ghost .... don't really know what else it could be...can't explain it either
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Re: well this was weird,,,,

Post by Halloween_crazyy » Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:29 pm

Thats creepy!! I wonder what it was?
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Re: well this was weird,,,,

Post by Andybev01 » Fri Oct 24, 2008 5:53 pm

Hmm; I like the idea of this thread, to post those 'what the heck' moments.

In front of my desk at work and to the right a bit, is a staircase.
One day while typing away I saw, out of the side of my eye, what looked like a person walk swiftly out from underneath the stairwell and...through the wall directly opposite it.
There is no door under the stairs. It's a 'dead end'.

The human shape was opaque gray and most certainly had a torso and the arms and legs were moving rapidly.

Now, there are windows on the far wall (see photo) but the shape obscurred not only the blinds but the cabinet under the windows as well, so I figure it wasn't a 'real' person outside in the parking lot.

Cool none-the-less!!
The Person Under The Stairs.jpg
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Re: well this was weird,,,,

Post by Hallow's Queen » Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:24 pm

woah, creepy!,, another wierd thing is, is that i swear i've seen a staircase just like that!
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Re: well this was weird,,,,

Post by arlyn123 » Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:22 am

Hallow's Queen wrote:though this is not a picture, it is more of an experience.

the other day i was outside my bus stop with my friend and a couple of other kids.. Me and my friend and i were talking and then we stopped and i listened to some music, and waited as i danced in the street like an idiot (but back to my point!) so i was facing one way and everyone else was facing the street so, i was facing a persons yard. Then i saw this really wierd gust of mist just travel across the yard and then vanish into the next. It was just a big mass, that was undifined and last about 3 -4 seconds. And it was really creepy. Makes me thinks it was some kinda ghost .... don't really know what else it could be...can't explain it either
You have a really scary experience. If I will be the one who experience that, maybe I don't know what to do. :alien:

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Re: well this was weird,,,,

Post by Sofarris » Thu Oct 30, 2014 11:48 am

That sounds real creepy. I'm pretty sure the house I used to live in at university was haunted. Loads of stuff happened but the two stand out moments for me were:

1. One evening I was up late waiting for my boyfriend to come to mine on his way back from the library. I was in the house alone lying on the sofa reading a book when I distinctly heard footsteps walk across the lounge right in front of me. It was incredibly disconcerting. Thankfully my boyfriend turned up a few minutes later.

2. Another night I ended up falling asleep on the living room sofa. Our lounge led directly into the kitchen with a door in between. Once again I was alone in the house when I was awoken by the kitchen door slamming shut. When I switched on the light it was slowly opening again. I ran up to my room and locked the door.

I was glad when I moved out of that house! :shock:

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