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haunted house ideas

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:05 pm
by grim writer
me and a friend are putting together a haunted house one part for little kids and one part for older kids at a girl scout camp do you have any ideas that can help us i would much appreciate it.

Re: haunted house ideas

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:28 pm
by adrian
go with a good witch story.. with that you have no limits. witches can cause anything with their skills. raising the dead, lycanthropy (werewolves), ghost, plagues, ect.

you can do a mild version and an extreme version.

i've always wanted to do a haunted house thing but have never gotten to :( i envy you haha

Re: haunted house ideas

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:52 pm
by MacPhantom
Zombies for the older kids, and for the younger kids.............also zombies.

Hey, I like zombies, okay?!?

Re: haunted house ideas

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 4:41 am
by wendythewitch
Zombies are cool...thats why..
one year at our party we hung that stretchy spider web on the basement ceiling, you'd be surprised how far that stuff will was cool because some pieces kind of hang low and if you walked by it, if felt just like walking through cob gave every one the creeps and its not too scary for kids

Re: haunted house ideas

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 2:00 pm
by jadewik
My first tip is to invest in push-pins, packing tape and black plastic table cloths (you can get plastic table cloths at the most dollar stores for a buck)-- as a LONG TERM alternative to black plastic table cloth, you can also buy the thicker black plastic sheeting from Home Depot. The Sheeting/table cloths are long, black... easy to cover things or make pathways by attaching to the ceiling of a cabin or what-not... and TOTALLY quick and easy to take down... and relatively inexpensive considering other textile options.

The other thing I recommend, if you have electricity, are purple or dark colored lights. Check Target-- they have purple and orange light strings for about $4. They're pretty awesome.

It's hard to give you ideas for the actual "haunt" part without knowing how much time and effort you're going to put into it... Is the goal to have fun or to scare the pants off kids? Also... how much budget is there?

I did something fun a few years back that was great for younger kids-- I took a black plastic cauldron (I recommend a fogging cauldron if you can find one and it is in the budget) and put candy bars, a 6" glow stick, and dry ice (in warm water) in the cauldron-- I had to keep changing the water so there was a constant flow of "smoke". I had potion bottles on the table with things like worms, bats, rats, toe of frog (rice), wool of bat (cotton balls), eyeballs (chocolate eyeballs from the dollar store), etc... when kids came to my table, I told them we had to "make" the candy... so I'd put in some ingredients and then tell them to chant "Trick-or-Treat; Smell my feet; Give me something good to eat!"... and then I'd pull out the candybars, which were concealed by the "smoke". It always got a great reaction.