it seems like Hallowe'en comes and goes soooo quick. No fair!
So my question is... do you try to extend the season by
starting early (obviously, everyone on this board right now
does), or do you leave your decorations up till Thanksgiving?
How do you keep that spooky feeling?
Nice thing about where I live is that there are a lot of
international influences. I'm sure it's the same in other large
cities. We celebrate a lot of Mexican holidays more vigorously
than most Mexican do.

For the last 5 or 6 years I've spent November 2nd down in Old
Town San Diego where you'll see a lot of Day of the Dead
observances. I'll frequent the Mexican restaurants and bars in
the area, then go see if I can find some decorations... as
seen here. Unfortunately, the last few years they haven't
been decorating the graveyard in Old Town. Probably because
of the economy.

Last year, on the evening of November 5, I turned the lights
off and sat down with a six-pack and some popcorn and
watched the movie 'V for Vengeance'. It was a sufficiently
spooky experience. I know Guy Fawkes Day has nothing to do
with Samhain and All-Saints Day, but it's close enough for me.
I'm thinking of going around to the English pubs in town and
asking everyone if they want to do a bonfire down at Fiesta
Island this year. I'd ask my friends but they already think I'm
weird enough for being so into Hallowe'en.
Maybe we could burn an effigy of the Great Pumpkin at the