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Have to see stuff!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:41 pm
by freakurfreak
Hey y'all this is at Louisville and you have to see it its awesome!!!! ... cialreport

Re: Have to see stuff!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 9:10 pm
by litemareb4xmas
saw it in Vegas, really wild, I thought I'd be grossed out but very interesting and worth the high price to see it.

Re: Have to see stuff!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:56 pm
by jadewik
Bodyworlds is a very interesting exhibit. I do recommend seeing it. I saw Bodyworlds 3 in February 2007 (Wrote about it in my journal).

My favorite thing about the exhibit wasn't really a part of the exhibit... it was the old people looking through the exhibit. They made the BEST comments. Such as these:

* We were looking at a glass case containing hip joints and femur bones. One older woman pointed into the glass case, commenting how the femur "looks like a turkey bone".

* The husband was pointing out the artificial joint in the hip too saying "when you break your hip it breaks right there on the stem" (of the femur where it hooks into the hip).

* Some teenage girl made a comment about how they should have trimmed the nails of the bodies. I had to roll my eyes. After you die, your hair and nails don't grow. The skin shrinks and reveals more of what was already there. Which means, they probably DID trim the nails on the bodies, but when the skin was removed, more nail was revealed.

* There was one exhibit where a body had strips of all tissue and flesh alternating with places where it was revealed. An old man asked aloud, "Why did they wrap him in bandages?"... before realizing that was the body's actual skin. Then he commented that "the body's legs are as skinny as [his own]".

Re: Have to see stuff!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:36 am
by mattybock
---------GROUND BREAKER-----
This halloween 2009, Seagoville, Texas (east of dallas), a mortuary student will be having a kid-friendly meet the reaper event, and charity drive at heard park. where kids can get a picture taken, and get a free peice of candy. the charity is heafer international. BYO camera, everything is absolutley free. same thing as meeting santa. Instead of the dark bringer of death, the reaper (mr. grim) is a blue-cothed human surrounded by pumpkins, and happy fall things, as not to scare the kiddys. starting at 5pm, and turning to the scary side at 9pm (black robe time). date is first saturday and sunday before halloween.

Re: Have to see stuff!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:41 pm
by litemareb4xmas
mattybock wrote:---------GROUND BREAKER-----
This halloween 2009, Seagoville, Texas (east of dallas), a mortuary student will be having a kid-friendly meet the reaper event, and charity drive at heard park. where kids can get a picture taken, and get a free peice of candy. the charity is heafer international. BYO camera, everything is absolutley free. same thing as meeting santa. Instead of the dark bringer of death, the reaper (mr. grim) is a blue-cothed human surrounded by pumpkins, and happy fall things, as not to scare the kiddys. starting at 5pm, and turning to the scary side at 9pm (black robe time). date is first saturday and sunday before halloween.
Ok we got the message 3 times now.