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Covid isn't choking out the Spirit

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 9:54 pm
by MacPhantom
The local mall has been the home of Spirit Halloween every October for the past decade or so, and yesterday we saw the signs up on the doors saying they are hiring. I was surprised, to be honest. I thought with Covid and all, they would figure Halloween parties might be down, trick or treating may get the axe, and that there wasn't enough business to bother trying to open. The mall itself hardly has any stores open in it (in fact, last year and again this year Spirit is occupying the space where Sears used to be), and the idea of having to sanitize costumes after people try them on seems like it may not be worth the effort. But there you have it, and I'm happy to see it. A little bit of normal in these very Abby Normal times?

What is normal where you are? Can you still find beer and toilet paper? Stella Artois and Charmin, or Brewer's Choice and Hiney-Kleen? How are your favorite restaurants fairing? Can you still find size 10 1/2 sneakers, or just those weird Russian knock-offs with the square toes in size double Z?

Re: Covid isn't choking out the Spirit

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 5:12 pm
by Andybev01
What passes for 'normal' here in Oregon is probably a lot of what you on the right coast might think of as loathsome nay, apocryphal.

Re: Covid isn't choking out the Spirit

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 6:31 pm
by Pumpkin_Head
I will have ToT candy at the ready, and I am going to have my Halloween party, DESPITE Covid.


Re: Covid isn't choking out the Spirit

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 9:21 am
by Murfreesboro
Our stores are pretty well stocked with necessities. I haven't shopped for clothes, but I need new shoes, so I'll soon learn if we have what I need. Some restaurants are open for dine in, but some others appear to have closed forever, sadly.

Re: Covid isn't choking out the Spirit

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 10:55 pm
by Pumpkin_Head
I actually bought a package of Halloween themed Oreo Cookies just to get myself in the mood a little. I will be celebrating Halloween WITH A VENGENCE this year as it's probably the only worth while holiday there will be in 2020. My family is seriously considering canceling out on Thanksgiving and Christmas this year because of Covid, and several of my siblings, nieces and nephew are for all intents and purposes, coming to blows over the election this year.

The 'climate' just isn't looking good for family gatherings this year, BUT you can rest assured there will be a HALLOWEEN BASH at my house, complete with loud records, horror films, barbecue and candy.


Re: Covid isn't choking out the Spirit

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 10:28 am
by Murfreesboro
I'm deliberately holding off until Labor Day, but after that, I'm all in!

Re: Covid isn't choking out the Spirit

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 9:35 am
by Pumpkin_Head
If only you and your people were a little closer, Murf. I think it would be great to gather together for a horror flick or two.
But even if NOBODY SHOWS UP, I am STILL going to barbecue some kind of a roast. I am STILL going to have ToT candy at the ready. I am STILL going to screen some horror flicks, and I am STILL going to have the house decked out with jack o'lanterns and decorations.

Oh, and I am STILL going to play some loud records through out the day, too. And I am STILL going to have a small bonfire in my back yard after it gets dark and the moon is shining full.


Re: Covid isn't choking out the Spirit

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 6:32 pm
by Murfreesboro
We'll be there in spirit, Mike!

My kids and I went to a local coffee shop today and had pumpkin lattes. They had fall decorations up. :)

Re: Covid isn't choking out the Spirit

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 12:29 pm
by Pumpkin_Head
That sounds nice, and being that September begins a week from today, it's just about time for Fall décor. Kroegers already has Halloween candy for sale, and ceramic jack o'lanterns on display for sale as well. I haven't checked out Walmart yet, but they usually don't start getting ready for Halloween until September. The Family Dollar in Dwight Ill, believe it or not already has Christmas decorations and artificial trees for sale, and it's 93 degrees today. It's I was there yesterday to see what they had for Halloween, and their Halloween display was down right pitiful compared to the Christmas display. I think they had a lot of things left over from last Christmas that they didn't sell.

At any rate, I am going to OVER DO Halloween this year as I think it's going to be a rather disappointing Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. As I said before, Covie 19 has everyone running scared, and politics has everyone at each other's throat.


Re: Covid isn't choking out the Spirit

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:59 pm
by Murfreesboro
Most businesses have taken a big hit. I imagine some might push Christmas in hopes of kick starting those holiday sales.

Re: Covid isn't choking out the Spirit

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 10:15 pm
by Pumpkin_Head
I think a lot of people are going to be doing most of their Christmas shopping online this year.


Re: Covid isn't choking out the Spirit

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:36 am
by Murfreesboro
Could be.

Re: Covid isn't choking out the Spirit

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 3:59 pm
by Pumpkin_Head
The worst part of it is, we probably won't even be gathering together for Thanksgiving or Christmas this year because of the Covid crises. It's really sad, but I do worry about my older brother who's almost 80 years old, and suffers from Gillian Beret Syndrome, and even a simple head cold can be life threatening.


Re: Covid isn't choking out the Spirit

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:31 pm
by Murfreesboro
That's sad, and I do understand your concern.

Re: Covid isn't choking out the Spirit

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 2:26 pm
by Pumpkin_Head
So like I said, I am going to do Halloween with a vengeance this year, and I will probably cook up a dinner for Thanksgiving and Christmas, too.
