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More Options For Halloween Costumes

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:34 am
by ellenicole916
Halloween used to be my favorite holiday. I loved coming up with super weird characters that no one would understand and collecting treats with my friends. But as I got older, the vibes started to change. Year after year, skirt lengths got shorter and necklines started to disappear. It was like a natural progression from innocent kid costumes to eventually looking up “vampire costumes for women” and getting links to costumes that look better fit for Adultmart.
I'm not saying that women who wear revealing costumes are slutty or anything... I wish there were more options for girls who don't want to show skin on Halloween.

I addressed this topic a little more detail in my article on The Odyssey Online, so please read it over and tell me what you think.
Am I the only one who feels this way? ... een/188616

Re: More Options For Halloween Costumes

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:02 am
by Murfreesboro
I loved your last line, about young women not being pressured to be the object of someone else's fantasy on Halloween.

My daughter and I get around this issue by creating our own costumes. Sometimes you can use a store-bought costume as a base and go from there. If you want to look like Lindsay Lohan in Mean Girls, couldn't you go to the mall and buy something that recalls that character, or even find something in your own wardrobe that you could tweak?

To me, Halloween is the great holiday of imagination. It is easy to purchase a costume, and sometimes that is the best way to go. But it is more imaginative to create your own. And you don't have to be a seamstress to do it. Just use some imagination about what you combine, go crazy with the make-up and maybe a wig. Just go for it!

Re: More Options For Halloween Costumes

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 11:13 am
by MauEvig
I'll read your essay later (I've been busy lately with school work and my new job so I haven't had time to post as much)

But I will say that you have addressed one of my BIGGEST pet peeves with costumes. I cannot stand what they have come up with for women, and it sickens me how society views them as objects of you know what appeal. Why can't we portray women in strong, independent roles rather than as objects to be lusted upon by men? I can't stand that!

So a lot of times I'll look at the men's costumes instead. Even in this day and age there is a clear distinction in gender roles and how society views women that irritates me to no end.

Besides if a kid's trick or treating it wouldn't be appropriate for them to see anyone in those revealing costumes.

Occasionally I do see a woman's costume that I like, but it's rare. I usually just do the cat ears and tail thing, which I can apply to anything. I've combined them with a grim reaper outfit. Sometimes I've just gone as the grim reaper out of lazyness.

But to be honest, I think I want to do something a little different this year.

I agree with Murf. Halloween is about imagination and being creative. I hate how they try to make it something it isn't. I wanted to make my costume this year but now I don't think I'll have time, so I'll probably just buy one. But if I do it'll be likely in the men's department.

Re: More Options For Halloween Costumes

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 2:30 pm
by witchy
I agree for the most part, when I was young and skinny I loved the sexy costumes, I wore them all the time, not so much now, or even when I was under the age of18. Now I'm more into just being different. I think it depends on your age and what you like, just saying. Kids are a different story tho... they should not be sexy EVER!! :roll: It's a shame this smiley can't shake it's head no while rolling it's eye's. Oh and put it's hand on it's hip with one foot out!! :lol:

Mau, I bought a Captain Jack Sparrow costume in the men's dept. a few years back and I got one for my hubby and all night long we kept bumping into each other and yelling "No I'm Captain Jack Sparrow", everyone loved it!! I love, love creative costumes and store bought ones revamped sometimes!! :wink:

Re: More Options For Halloween Costumes

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 7:45 pm
by Kolchak
Beam me up Scotty.

Re: More Options For Halloween Costumes

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:18 am
by NeverMore
witchy wrote:we kept bumping into each other and yelling "No I'm Captain Jack Sparrow", everyone loved it!!
MY peanut!

Re: More Options For Halloween Costumes

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 8:50 pm
by witchy
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: More Options For Halloween Costumes

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:37 pm
by Murfreesboro
I think the suggestive costumes are meant primarily for young women attending college parties. There is a time and a place for it, but not on the street.

Last year I developed a "Day of the Dead" character I didn't get to show off very much, because the surprise cold snap diminished door-to-door TOT in our neighborhood. So I think I'll do it again this year. I have a bright, multi-colored long skirt that looks kind of Mexican, and an authentic black crocheted shawl I bought in Mexico City many years ago. I can combine that with one of my blouses and do the make-up and--voila--instant costume!

Re: More Options For Halloween Costumes

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 11:06 pm
by MauEvig
You're probably right Murf, but they still annoy me so much. lol.

I've decided to do something simple this year. I never went through with dressing up as the cow girl last year, so I have decided to do so this year...with a twist. I'm going to go as a cowgirl vampire!

I'm going to dress up for work too...but because I'm working with 4 and 5 year olds...I'm going to leave the vampire part out of the costume for work. The actual day of Halloween I'll dress up in the full fledged costume at home.

Re: More Options For Halloween Costumes

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 9:24 am
by Murfreesboro
Sounds like a great plan!

Re: More Options For Halloween Costumes

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 1:19 am
by PhilTrace
I agree that there is less option for women who prefer not to be too revealing, and definitely not in the sense that others prefer so. It is personal choices and who prefer not too will be disappointed with the ones available in stores.
But, do we have to always look to buy Halloween costumes, can't we just make something ourselves? I prefer to do so, and for last couple of years I've been making my own costumes and also helped my friends to have theirs too.
Yes, you have to spend some time on it, but it is also not necessary. Halloween, Black Friday, Thanksgiving, Christmas etc. are like a bunch of holidays with lot of festivities. I prefer saving in few so that after the festivities we don't find ourselves short of dollars. For those who really want to save some during Halloween, here is some tips, might be helpful: ... halloween/
I always look for ideas that can be a DIY and it is cool, actually.

Re: More Options For Halloween Costumes

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 7:20 am
by Murfreesboro
Those are excellent tips in that link,and I have availed myself of most of them over the years. I would add, check out Good Will for costumes. My daughter has had great luck there. I don't mean that she has bought actual Halloween costumes, the ones designed for Halloween. I Just mean, you can find so much stuff for almost nothing, and you can create your own costume. Last year she went to a murder mystery party and was cast as a wealthy but bizarre woman, the type you might see in the "Capital" in the Hunger Games movies, all blue and silver in her case. She found what had obviously been someone's very expensive cocktail dress for $8. She bought a silver wig at Party City and some flashy costume jewelry at Walmart. She used a lot of make-up. She looked terrific.