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Breaking the seal this weekend

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:56 pm
by Fall fanatic
Seems like it was just spring, and it's already getting to be that time. I will be breaking the seal this weekend. The fall stuff comes out for me every year on Aug. 31 so when I wake up on Sept. 1 the house reflects that summer is done.

The fake leaves, scarecrows, fake pumpkins will all be coming out. Might be a jack o lantern or two mixed in. I'll probably start stringing some orange lights.

The ghoulish stuff will get mixed in around Sept. 22.

When does everyone else start?

Re: Breaking the seal this weekend

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:30 pm
by Andybev01
Fall fanatic wrote:Seems like it was just spring, and it's already getting to be that time. I will be breaking the seal this weekend. The fall stuff comes out for me every year on Aug. 31 so when I wake up on Sept. 1 the house reflects that summer is done.

The fake leaves, scarecrows, fake pumpkins will all be coming out. Might be a jack o lantern or two mixed in. I'll probably start stringing some orange lights.

The ghoulish stuff will get mixed in around Sept. 22.

When does everyone else start?
Start?, I never stop :)

I get serious about getting out the goods Labor Day weekend so I, like yourself, will be revving up this weekend.

Re: Breaking the seal this weekend

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:14 pm
by tantraman
I have been slowly getting my stuff out to put on lawn. Plastic pumpkins, Ill do some lights this weekend I think I just pruned some dead braches this last weekend.

Re: Breaking the seal this weekend

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:35 pm
by witchy
I started last weekend, 15 totes full of Halloween stuff takes a while to get out!! :wink:

Re: Breaking the seal this weekend

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:06 am
by Murfreesboro
I regard Labor Day weekend as the kick-off to fall. One thing I will most likely do is change out the floral arrangements on my in-laws' graves to reflect the seasonal change.

I won't go into full-on Halloween mode until the fall season officially starts, around Sept. 22. However, I will be making subtle changes to decor and cooking, etc., throughout the month.

Re: Breaking the seal this weekend

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 7:58 pm
by MauEvig
To be honest, Labor day just feels like another day to me. ^^; It's just that one day that is a little overlooked. Some people like to have picnics though. Perhaps I'll feel differently when I get a teaching job. When I was younger though, it meant the "Back to School blues" was right around the corner. But now I'm excited at the prospect of going back to school and pursuing a career in education. Kind of ironic. Then again, people tend to change as they get older.
Growing up in New York this also meant the Festival of Balloons was going on, the last Festival of the year before Summer ended and School started, but we didn't always go. Although the hot air balloons themselves are a spectacular site and even if you don't go, you'd still see them floating about in the sky like rogue clouds trying to escape the atmosphere. Ok I was trying to be poetic about it. Haha! So you could actually follow the balloons and even go outside the festival and watch them blow up if you go really early in the morning. One time I think it was during school we got to walk inside of a balloon once as they blew it up. (Though it might have been Summer School. I can't remember the details since it was so long ago.) Some people like to get in their cars and chase the balloons to see where they end up. The only thing was this festival you had to pay to get in, while others you don't necessarily need to.

I'm going off on a tangent though. I've been bringing out little things here and there and made a "crashed witch" for my wall out of construction paper. And I would take a picture but my camera's broke, so I either need to try and fix it or get a different one, otherwise you'll just have to imagine a construction paper witch, or I could take a picture with my phone. (The SD Card doesn't "click in" like it's supposed to for some reason. It just pops back out when I try to get it in there. If anyone wants to offer advice on how I can fix it let me know. I'd appreciate it because I want to use it for a class project.)
I'll probably do more "serious" decorating later on, though I want to keep things a little more simple this year.

Re: Breaking the seal this weekend

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:36 am
I remember last year I was so concerned about going back and forth about when I should start celebrating Halloween. I did not want to get burned out that I was sick of it by the time the big day arrived. I have noticed though that I celebrate Halloween until like mid November really. As soon as Halloween ends I'm still celebrating it just like it was October even if the Halloween decorations are gone. I put off watching some Halloween movies that I usually watch to prevent burnout too.

I have come to the conclusion that Halloween comes when it does. It is a spirit that takes over and that as soon as I stop wondering is it the right time to celebrate and just go with it the more fun I have! I waited last year until September 23 the official day of fall and I don't want to do that. When I have a house of my own as soon as Halloween of that year ends I will put all the decorations in a shed I'm planning to have. I want to either find the old typewriter we have or purchase one but I want to start planning at the start of November what the next yard haunt will be. As challenging as it may be I want to have a different theme each year and I made a rule for myself that I cannot do the same theme again until after 5 years. When I have my own place I know that I will take Halloween yard haunting to a whole new level so I will have to start building in early May I'm projecting. Last year I was still making changes at the 27th October this was after I went to Cedar Point Halloweekends so I had some inspiration.

That being said what I want to do is have all my decorating done before October. I want the whole month of October to enjoy and relax. If I do a smaller yard Haunt yes I will still have it all planned by January but I will have the project done around after labor day. So it really all depends on the type of yard haunt I will be doing. As for celebrating I'm thinking of starting to celebrate when the local Haunted houses and Cedar Point Halloweekends opens. So this year for example this year Halloweekends is starting on September 12. I pulled out pumpkins and fall flowers for the front porch today when I come back from the university I will finish up on the cloaked ghost that I started in June and I will post the very easy how to on here.

Re: Breaking the seal this weekend

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:34 pm
by MacPhantom
When I used to do a yard haunt, it was Halloweenmonthday (October 1st) when I'd start decorating. Now, we start putting up fall stuff in September. I think we're gonna be running early this year; last year a lot was going on, but this year we can really focus on the season. The totes won't come out of the basement for a few more weeks though.

Re: Breaking the seal this weekend

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:49 pm
by Andybev01
MacPhantom wrote:When I used to do a yard haunt, it was Halloweenmonthday (October 1st) when I'd start decorating. Now, we start putting up fall stuff in September. I think we're gonna be running early this year; last year a lot was going on, but this year we can really focus on the season. The totes won't come out of the basement for a few more weeks though.
I first read that as, 'tots'.

It both horrified and intrigued me. :shock:

Re: Breaking the seal this weekend

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 1:33 pm
My yard haunt this year will just consist of this cloaked ghost that I have been working on since June since I am away at college. Next year I have already started planning I just need to get a typewriter and plan it then it will all be official. (More on a topic about that later.) I have visited the Spirit Halloween store 5 minutes from me twice and it brought a smile to my face each time as well as whirling ideas about what to create for future haunts.

I purchased one of those hanging torch lights and it is hanging and burning in my dorm room as we speak. I also purchased for next year these two guys to have for what I'm planning for to be a haunted corn field in my front yard:


Re: Breaking the seal this weekend

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:47 am
by whatsername90
In the process of moving at the moment, so I won't be able to put anything out at least until mid September I'm thinking, though I like to start with fall decorations and a few ghosts maybe and into OCtober bring out the full on Halloween madness. Plus some of my home made decorations are still at my mom's house,like my Harry Potter potion bottles and eyeball wreath. I'm hoping to make a giant spider for over my garage this year, it will be the first time I can really let lose with the decorating and I'm stoked!

Re: Breaking the seal this weekend

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 3:24 pm
by johnsoneliza52
It seems like it all came so quickly this year?!! Guess I've just been too wrapped up in 'stuff' to enjoy the days! I am looking forward to cooler weather, though.

Re: Breaking the seal this weekend

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 7:36 pm
by ScarecrowJack
I inevitably pick some stuff up as I see it coming out in stores, but I don't normally start pulling stuff up from the basement until around the first day of Autumn. May start earlier this year, we'll see.

Re: Breaking the seal this weekend

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:47 am
by Lulupicklequeen
Yay! I can't wait for fall. Leaves changing, pies, cider donuts, and hot drinks. I have been working on new decorations for Halloween. I just made some new Black Widow Push Pins. They are really fun and cute.

Check them out: ... e_active_2


Re: Breaking the seal this weekend

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 7:09 pm
by johnsoneliza52
Those are cute!