by Pennywise11 » Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:32 pm
I know what you mean about the moving bit. I hate moving sooooo much. Its nice being in a new place just moving allt he stuff there is the hard work and you tire yourself out soooo much. I remember the last time we moved last summer and it was too hot, we lived on the third floor of a hot apartment building and having the two of us and our two children to move was soo tiring as we did it all ourselfs. I remember my daughter asking me when I was sitting on the sidewalk downstairs after we put the rest of the stuff int he U Haul we rented..."mom.. what would you rather do have another baby (becuase she heard stories of how painful it can be) or pack up and move again?" I laughed and said...have another baby!
Look on the bright side though, at least you will be able to set up all your stuff in a new place and make it a good time of year to celebrate your 1 year anniversary in 2007 in your new home...make it a Halloween party!!!
1, 2, Freddy's Coming For You 3, 4, Better Lock Your Door 5, 6, Grab A Crucifix 7, 8, Better Stay Up Late 9, 10, Never Sleep Again