by adrian » Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:34 am
MIKE: i wish the town that i live in celebrates like the one yours does.. its seems you've found a winner!! this old town seems to be just simply dying off with no potential for a future.. but once i finish college i'll be heading out in search of my "perfect" home anyway really so i don't beat myself up on being trapped here
and as far as i'm concerened, as long as i'm alive halloween will always be alive in my house hold!!! i will pass my enthusiasm of the holiday down to my kids as best as i can (no plans for kids for another 5 years though hahahaha)
Last night 'twas witching Hallowe'en
Dearest; an apple russet- brown
I pared, and thrice above my crown
Whirled the long skin; they watched in keen;
I flung it far; they laughed and cried me shame
Dearest, there lay the letter of your name!