Experiences in movie theaters?

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Re: Experiences in movie theaters?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:54 pm

That was funny, and for the record, some one should tell that foul mouthed little welp that MOVIE THEATRES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DARK!!! and that darkness is no excuse for being inconsiderate to others.

Pooder, a movie ticket at the Morris Cinema, which is where I most often attend movies id 8 bucks for a regular 2 d ticket, and 12 bucks for any 3d releases, and that doesn't begin to includ any snacks or a drink. So I can DEFINATELY appreciate how angry you get when the inconsiderates start yammering amongst themselvs, or start playing with their cell phones. I WILL tell them to 'shut up,' and complain to the management if they persist on being inconsiderate.


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Re: Experiences in movie theaters?

Post by iHaunt » Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:01 am

And, a very few people always love to be in the front row seats and smoking cigarettes, also smoking some alcohol from their canteens! :?

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Re: Experiences in movie theaters?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:00 am

Smoking in a movie theatre is actualy illegal in Illinois. It's been so since the late 70s. It was more due to the fire hazzard it prseented then because fo the 2nd hand smoke issue. Recently Illinois also passed a law prohibiting amokind any any reataurant and bar, and they are not even allowed to have a smoking section like they do in other states any more.

As for movies, I do actualy like to sit up close to the front, usualy in the 3rd or 4th row of seats but I don't bring in alcohol or anything like that. I sit up front because I can see the screen better, and there's less chance of some TREE of a guy sitting in front of mey totaly eclipsing my view of the film. Actualy, I'm a good 6 feet tall, myself, but ther are some guys who make me look like a dwarf in comparison.

At the drive-in, however, that isn't a problem because the screen is highly elevated.


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Re: Experiences in movie theaters?

Post by Spookymufu » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:51 am

iHaunt wrote: also smoking some alcohol from their canteens! :?
now that I'd like to see
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Re: Experiences in movie theaters?

Post by iHaunt » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:11 pm

Well, some people are out of their mind.... :roll:

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Re: Experiences in movie theaters?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:45 am

Smoking alcohol. I gues they would have to be out oc their minds.


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Re: Experiences in movie theaters?

Post by Murfreesboro » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:41 am

Smoking was outlawed in restaurants, etc., here in TN several years ago. I believe you actually have to be over 21 to go into a bar where people can smoke. It's a non-issue for us, as no one in our family smokes. As someone who reacts strongly to smelling it, though, I have to say I am grateful for that law.

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Re: Experiences in movie theaters?

Post by iHaunt » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:31 am

Ok, I know someone can go to the store to buy cigarettes at age 18 and over... but, to buy beers, wines, whiskeys.... must be 21 and over.

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Re: Experiences in movie theaters?

Post by Murfreesboro » Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:06 pm

I'm not sure how old a person has to be here to buy cigarettes. As I said, we don't smoke, so have no need to know. It's quite possible that the age is 18 here, too, for purchase in a grocery store. But to go into a smoking bar, the age is older.

I believe the legal age for alcohol is 21 all over the country now. That's wasn't true when I was young. Back in the '70s, the drinking age differed by state, and there were most certainly places where you could drink (at least beer) at 19. I think the push from MADD in the '80s helped to change that. And I do think the drunk driving accidents have perhaps declined among younger people since that time. My husband has a philosophical problem with it, though. He's a veteran, and he thinks in terms of military service. He thinks it's all kinds of wrong that a young person can be deemed old enough to fight, and perhaps die, for his or her country, yet be considered too young to drink legally.

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Re: Experiences in movie theaters?

Post by iHaunt » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:34 pm

I had a good friend of mine for long time, he was an alcoholic.... he used to drink beer, whiskey and.... :oops: moonshine which it's illegal! He died in 1999 b/c he got cirrhois of the liver. He did serve the war in Vietnam, and he did drink beers when he was in war. He was 17 that time. He died at age 56. That's sad. :( His wife is from Phillipine, and she is alive and doing well.

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Re: Experiences in movie theaters?

Post by Murfreesboro » Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:12 am

Well, that is a sad story. Yes, alcoholism can be devastating and shorten one's life.

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Re: Experiences in movie theaters?

Post by iHaunt » Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:29 am

Murfreesboro wrote:Well, that is a sad story. Yes, alcoholism can be devastating and shorten one's life.
True.... I'm also an alcoholism.... I'm trying to quit it, but it's so hard!!! I'm only 35 year old. :?

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Re: Experiences in movie theaters?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:22 pm

In the state of Illinois, you must be 18 to purchase ANY tobaco products, no matter whether it's cigars, cigarettes, chaw, or what ever, and you must be 21 to purchase ANY beverage containing alcohol, be it wine, beer, coolers or what ever.

As for smoking, I use to be a very heavy cigarette smoker in my college days, but I quit in august of 1983, and am very gratful for all the non smoking laws.


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Re: Experiences in movie theaters?

Post by iHaunt » Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:45 pm

I used to smoke cigars before, but not anymore.... I am still smoking cigarettes Camel Menthol, you know, not too heavy... just light social smoking... I do still drink beers, a little bit of wine, some shots of whiskeys. Well, I do dip tobacco snuff Timberwolf peach flavored during the daytime only. I'm trying to quit chewing snuff. :?

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Re: Experiences in movie theaters?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:48 pm

Well, I do have to confess, that tobaco is an 'old friend' in many ways, and through out most of the year I don't smoke anything at all, but I was a teriffic cigarette smoker. I switched to 3 cigars a year. One cigar on my Birthday, (which was last Sunday) one on Christmas Eve, and one on the real St. Patrick's Day. March 17th. The rest of the year I don't touch it.

And no, I don't smoke a Halloween cigar, because I'm enjoying candy and other pleasures on Halloween.


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