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Mary Weather & Other Legends We Enjoyed as Children

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:07 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
Hi Folks:

Years ago, when I was a kid, having seances became very popular, as the show "Dark Shadows" held such a strong influence over all of us. Late Spring in Chicago is known for being rife with huge thunder storms, and we often had power outages because of them. I remember one late Spring night, I think it was mid May, we had an outage that lasted for about 4 hours, and the legend of Mary Weather was really taking off. It was believe that if you place a lit candle on a table, and stood in front of that mirror, held your hands a certain way, and repeated "I believe in Mary Weather" 7 times, she would appear to you, and you would either be killed or driven insane.

During this particular stormy night, my sister and I, and a group of friends all took turns trying it out, and none of us got past 3 repititions of "I believe in Mary weather." My buddy and I made it three times, my younger and her friends only did it once, and one guy chickened out all together, all though I don't blame him. To this very day, that legend creeps me out so much that I still wouldn't stand in front of a mirrow, even without a candle and repeat "I believe in Mary Weather."

Anyone else have a childhood legend or scary thing they use to like to do?


Re: Mary Weather & Other Legends We Enjoyed as Children

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:37 pm
by Spookymufu
My (12yrs older then me) brother and I did this once but slightly different, we stood in the bathroom in front of the mirror with a flashlight and what we did (local version maybe?) was to hold the flashlight in front of you lit and say "bloody marry" three times then turn the flashlight off then back on a few seconds later and she'll appear in the mirror. What I didnt know was my brother had snuck in a scary mask and put it on when the light was out, when I turned the flashlight back on he scared the living <deleted> out of, fun times

Re: Mary Weather & Other Legends We Enjoyed as Children

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:46 pm
by Boogeyman
That is so awesome. Without even knowing your brother, I instantly like him. I literally laughed out loud after reading that.

Mike, how old were you when you did that? Do you remember?

Re: Mary Weather & Other Legends We Enjoyed as Children

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:57 am
by Pumpkin_Man
Boogyman, I was almost but not quite 10 when we did this, but as far as I know, nobody has ever made it to the 7th recitation.

Spooky, I did something simular to my younger sister once. I had gotten this plastic skeletol hand at a Cut Scout Halloween party once, and I hid under her bed. When she got up to go to the bathroom, I reached out with this hand and wrapped it around her ankle. She let out such a scream the whole house was aroused.

I was very severely punished for that little prank.
