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The Bell Witch

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:56 pm
by Rising Dead Man

Re: The Bell Witch

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:18 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
Looks like a very interesting story, bit I am going to have to wait until I have a little more time to read it.


Re: The Bell Witch

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:46 am
by Murfreesboro
Thanks for that link. I enjoyed skimming the story.

The Bell Witch haunting is very familiar to Tennesseans. Adams is located N-NW of Nashville, more or less opposite in direction from my town, which is SE of the city. I have always wanted to go up there and see it, especially in October, but so far I never have. They have a play about the Bell Witch which they produce for tourists in the fall. I am under the impression that it is sort of a cottage industry up there.

Actually, my husband is spooked by the supernatural, and I don't think he wants to go. That's probably why we've never done it.

Re: The Bell Witch

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:11 pm
by Pumpkin56
Murfreesboro wrote:Thanks for that link. I enjoyed skimming the story.

The Bell Witch haunting is very familiar to Tennesseans. Adams is located N-NW of Nashville, more or less opposite in direction from my town, which is SE of the city. I have always wanted to go up there and see it, especially in October, but so far I never have. They have a play about the Bell Witch which they produce for tourists in the fall. I am under the impression that it is sort of a cottage industry up there.

Actually, my husband is spooked by the supernatural, and I don't think he wants to go. That's probably why we've never done it.
My sister gets scared easily by that kind of stuff. I tried to get her to go visit the Stanley Hotel with me and she refused. So then I asked her to go to the Myrtles Plantation with me. She reluctantly agreed, but now her boyfriend wants to go so I got kicked out of that trip :?

For some reason though, she's all over visiting Salem around Halloween...

She's such a fickle little creature.

Re: The Bell Witch

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 8:47 am
by Murfreesboro
Maybe she thinks Salem would have more of a party atmosphere in October, almost like Mardi Gras, whereas the other trips might just be spooky.

But then, it's not right that she took over your trip to the plantation and then you lost out on it.

Re: The Bell Witch

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:29 pm
by VanHelsingStandIn
I went by there a few times when I was stationed at Ft. Campbell. Many of the stories seem to be hard to nail down, and you wonder how many are the products of over active imaginations. I remember hearing the story that Andrew Jackson knew John Bell and supposedly went over there with men who'd been under his command at the Battle of New Orleans. They were going to have it out with the witch.

So goes the story, Jackson and his boys didn't come out too well, and he is reported to have said he would rather fight the whole British army again, rather than do battle with the Bell Witch. Problem is that nowhere in his writings can it be found that Jackson ever went to see the Witch and fight her. John Bell was rich and politically connected, so he probably did know Jackson, but how close they were remains unknown.

People have used it in books and on the net, but apart from a grandchild who may or may not have been there during the episode, and claims he was a witness to Jackson getting beat up, you can't find any proof.

I will say this though. The Red River has some pretty good fishing in it!

Re: The Bell Witch

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:05 am
by Murfreesboro
I've heard the story about Andrew Jackson, too, but I didn't know that it wasn't well documented.

We'll probably never know exactly what happened there, but it's an interesting legend, anyway.

Re: The Bell Witch

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 4:38 pm
by VanHelsingStandIn
Surrency, Georgia is a little town in southeast Georgia that claims to have had a house there with similar problems to what happened at the Bell house. I don't think it was quite as destructive as the Bell case, but in classic poltergeist style, a good bit of the interior of the house was torn up. I think there was a young girl who may have been the focus, but can't recall for certain.

The house is no longer there, but people claim that a spook light can be seen on the property and the train track nearby. I had a friend from that area swear up and down that he saw the light one night. He swears he wasn't drunk or drugged out, but conceeds he could have been punk'd by others. Who knows?

Re: The Bell Witch

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:58 am
by Pumpkin_Man
I HATE IT when beautiful old buildings are torn down in the name of so called progress.