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Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:53 pm
by Midnight Witch
Yesterday, I was thirsty, so I decided to go get some water. I was walking slowly, then I started feeling like someone was following me. It frightened me, so I turned around. I changed my mind. Has this ever happened to you? It's...frightening.

Re: Followed

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 7:12 pm
by witchy
Yes it has, it's terrifying!! I was walking down a creepy alley & thought someone was there, but when I turned around there was no one there!!! :-?

Re: Followed

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:15 pm
by iHaunt
One night about 4 am in morning, I woke up to get a drink and someone tapped me on my shoulder then I turned around to see who it was.... NOBODY!!! :shock: I thought it was my grandpa, but it was no one there!! I believe it must be a ghost of my grandma. :?

Re: Followed

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:38 pm
by NeverMore

I was walking down the street and had this strong feeling I was being followed. I turned around and, lo and behold, there was my shadow! Stupid shadow is always stalking me. I tried catching it but every time I moved towards it it moved away. Some day I'll catch that bugger.

Re: Followed

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:36 am
by Pumpkin_Man
I never fealt like I was followed, but there have been a few ocassions that I was sure that some one had been in a place just moments before I arrived. When I lived over on Illinois streeet in Joliet, I came home from work one evening, and I was sure that some one was there just moments before I arrived home. Nothing was stolen. There were no broken or opened windows, and both doors were locked, but I really believed that some one was in my house while I was at work.


Re: Followed

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:41 am
by Pumpkin56
I don't think I have ever felt followed, but there have been times in my house when it has almost seemed like something is watching. I hate when my house is completely still and silent. It just gives me the creeps. I usually have to turn the tv on or crank up some music.

Re: Followed

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:36 pm
by Murfreesboro
Yes, complete stillness can creep me out, too.

Many years ago, when I was first grown and had an efficiency apartment in Nashville, I would come home sometimes and find my front door standing open. It was a metal door and would contract in cold weather. I learned eventually to make sure it was really, really locked before I left. But I recall how spooked I was about entering that apartment a few times, when I would come home and find it like that!

One time I was cooking in my little kitchenette, and a neighbor's dog just pushed the front door open and came on into my kitchen! I had thought the door was locked tight.

Re: Followed

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:56 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
The only time stillness in my house ever really creeps me out is in October when I screen "The Blair Witch Project." It never fails, but every time I watch that movie, I am more in tune to all the subtle little noises my 100 year old house makes.

Murph, is sounds like your door had a defective lock. The land lord should have done soemthing about that, but that would creep me out, too. My front door some times doesn't latch completeely, unless I lock the deat bolt. One time I came home from church and the front door was wide opened. IT was about 5 below zero, so it got really cold in there, but I was very careful when I entered the house. I didn't know whether or not I may have had a "visitor."


Re: Followed

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:24 am
by ramaries69
Feeling of being followed, not really. Watched and / or feeling like someone's standing behind me, yes.

A few years ago, there was a spirit bothering my oldest son, at night. Usually, at about 3 a.m. the outline of a dark man shadow would stand beside his bed. After a few visits, my son couldn't take it anymore and told me. I asked him to wake me up, the next time it happened. The following night he came into my room to tell me that it was bothering him, again. I got up and sat in the dark, but didn't sense anything. I left a small lamp on for him because it was affecting my son's sleep. I told my son, I'd take care of the next day. That morning I was getting ready to go to work and the kids' to school, when the presence darted from the living room into the boys room. I immediately ran into the room and don't ask me why but I was focused and sensed it, into one particular corner of the room. In anger, I pointed my finger and said to it, "You will no longer continue to bother my son, I will make sure of this today!!!
That night, I cleansed the house and my son felt instant relief and change in the atmosphere. No more disturbances.

Re: Followed

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:25 am
by Midnight Witch
Great stories and experiences. If you have anymore to share, please do so.

Re: Followed

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:45 am
by Li H'Sen Chang
Murfreesboro wrote:Yes, complete stillness can creep me out, too.

Many years ago, when I was first grown and had an efficiency apartment in Nashville, I would come home sometimes and find my front door standing open. It was a metal door and would contract in cold weather. I learned eventually to make sure it was really, really locked before I left. But I recall how spooked I was about entering that apartment a few times, when I would come home and find it like that!

One time I was cooking in my little kitchenette, and a neighbor's dog just pushed the front door open and came on into my kitchen! I had thought the door was locked tight.
That for sure is scary with the dog. Did you know that dogs can see ghost? That is why they bark a lot for no good reason but to them it is because of ghost. Creepy.

Re: Followed

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:52 am
by Murfreesboro
I hadn't thought about it recently, but yes, I believe I have heard that animals (dogs and cats, too, I believe) seem to be able to see or sense things we cannot. Spiritual things, I mean.

Re: Followed

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:13 pm
by Li H'Sen Chang
I very much believe that is true Murf because I have seen dog going crazy for no reason and the ghost presence is only thing that explains it.

Re: Followed

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:48 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
After San Francisco was hit by that earthquakd back in 1988, people were interviewed on the news, and several people commented on how all the animals went crazy just moments before the quake hit. The birds all suddenly flew a way. Dogs and cats that were loose started to run away, while others confined to yards or houses started to bark, howl or yowl to get out. One guy who was out walking his dog said that his dog started trying to get him to run away from something, and just as he followe the dog where he wanted to go the quake hit, and a utility poll where the guy was standing toppled over and crushed a car that it hit.


Re: Followed

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 3:06 pm
by Li H'Sen Chang
I heard stuff like that Mike where dogs are elite.