Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 8:52 pm
I all the Twilight Books and the Twilight movie. I cannot wait until next fall when the new movie comes out.
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TheGreatPumpkin wrote:Actually, it will be releases March 21st. I checked the website and Have you read the books? They are really good.
TheGreatPumpkin wrote:Sure, no problem. Have you visited the new It's pretty cool, all about Twilight.
I liked the first three of the novels. The fourth felt forced. It should have been two separate books-- one for the first half and that surprise, and one for the Volturi. But... eh... whatever, right?First words out of my mouth about 5-seconds after seeing the Phoenix part of the film:
That's so not filmed in Phoenix. Those curbs are not MAG standard curbs.
... and they aren't MAG standard detail 220-1 Type C as is common in residential areas in the city. Sorry, but I grew up in Phoenix and that was seriously New Mexican desert 'cause those mountains weren't the Superstitions. Of course, if I hadn't spent close to 20-years of my existence in Phoenix and if I hadn't become an engineer who is familiar with MAG standards... I probably wouldn't have noticed; But it was one of those moments where something was so un-real (like in that "Interpreter of Maladies" book when the utility company finishes their work a day early...)
Anyway, all that picky-ness aside... the movie still felt like watching a not-so-great movie straight from the 80's. If you like super cheeze with your fries, then this film would be delicious.
The acting of the HS gang was VERY forced. It was almost like the kids had zero acting experience. That bad. Jessica was a complete ditz-- so unlike "Twilight's" backstabbing mastermind or those cheerleaders from my HS growing up. The character's only competition for smallest number of braincells was the lead-- Robert Pattinson, AKA "Cedward". I thought [My friend we saw the movie with] was kidding when she said, after going to the ComicCon panel for Twilight, that the boy acted drunk all the time... and now we both know why Cedric only had so many lines and died early in the Harry Potter films. I know that's way harsh... no offense to the actors but I just wasn't buying it (though, apparently I did because I bought a ticket).
I blame the writers. The dialogue was STRAINED and it showed. If it weren't for a previous warning to watch the film expecting it, I'd have died of shock. As it was, I was able to make light of the poor dialogue. My favourite example was at LaPush when Jacob and his two buddies are talking to Bella, Jessica, and Angela at the van. They made it very well known that the Cullens weren't liked by the Quilute. So when Bella and Jacob are walking on the beach and Bella says something to Jacob about not liking the Cullens and he says, "Oh, you caught that?" I about had my appendix burst from laughing so hard! Durh! There was nothing to catch because they flat out SAID it. [My husband] leaned towards me half-through the film and said it wouldn't be to horrible of a film if they just cut out the dialogue!
... and my goodness... the camera head-shots! Too Many! Seriously, why even film the movie in Forks? I could make a similar film in my garage with a green screen and a sexy, brainless boy at my side. Backgrounds? We don't need 'em. We'll just do an extreme closeup. All. The. Time.
After I finished memorizing the number of pores in Kristen and Roberts' faces and started laughing at the crappy dialogue, the quality of the film started to improve substantially.
James, Victoria, Charlie, Jacob, Laurent, Alice, Emmett and Esme were really fantastic... though that might have been because of the lack of bad lines. Their acting was superb. This isn't to say Bella was horrible... I've seen Kristen Stewart in some good movies. She's a very talented actress... but this film really didn't have the script for her.
I REALLY liked the baseball scene. If that were the movie, I'd have given it an A in visuals and a D- for length of film... but hey, I think that was worth at least half the price I paid for the film. The music was perfecto there and the acting and camera shots were very visually stimulating. Likewise, most of the mirror scene. You really got to see more of what Kristen is capable of...
Rob... Rob... Rob. I really wish they'd used a more capable actor. It was like watching William Shatner's forced dialogue in the old Star Trek series. Bleh!
... and did anyone else catch the cameo by Mrs. Meyer in the diner? It was right before that part where Mike shakes his <deleted> in the window behind Bella as Charlie is telling her and the waitress that the 'animals' went west.
So [my friend] and I decided that this would be a great drinking game movie. Any time you see a head shot, take a sip. It's worth a watch, but rent it... and don't expect much. Maybe play the drinking game your first go-round to make it a bit more fun... and file it under COMEDY because it certainly isn't a serious romance or horror film.
I hear ya! Although Underworld II had some cool werewolves, but the first one the werewolves just looked like monsters. I too am VERY picky about werewolves, if they are going to be werewolves, make them LOOK like an anthromorphic wolf. Not just a fuzzy monster. I can understand the old movies like Wolfman that may have been low budget and without a lot of good stuff to work with, but nowadays, there's no excuse for there not having good werewolves. I havn't seen Blood and Chocolate, but I have seen Van Hellsing and I did think the werewolf in that was one of the best in films I'd ever seen.I just hope New Moon (the movie) is better than Twilight.... seriously... better writers, PLEASE! ... and I hope, hope, HOPE they do the werewolves proper. If there is one thing about a horror film that turns me off, it's poorly done werewolves. (Van Hellsing and Blood and Chocolate are the only films where I feel they've done werewolves proper justice!)
Can I second that please?I wouldn't want to make a bad movie and have Jadewik see it