Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:33 pm
This film is coming out to the theaters tomorrow, so my girlfriend might go see it with her best friend this weekend.
Actor Robert Pattinson plays vampire Edward Cullen. Vampire love can be troublesome ut oh-so-sweet and passionate in this film version of the first of Stephenie Meyers' four love-vampire books. Robert Pattinson is the undead lover who must prove to Bell (Kristen Stewart) that he's wort dying for.
This film is rating PG-13, not so sure about violence, language and others like that... But I will find out soon.
Actor Robert Pattinson plays vampire Edward Cullen. Vampire love can be troublesome ut oh-so-sweet and passionate in this film version of the first of Stephenie Meyers' four love-vampire books. Robert Pattinson is the undead lover who must prove to Bell (Kristen Stewart) that he's wort dying for.
This film is rating PG-13, not so sure about violence, language and others like that... But I will find out soon.