30 days of Night scared the c**p outta me!!
I watched it last weekend for the first time.
I haven't been so scared since I saw the original NOTLD when I was a little haunter!!
All you that doth my grave pass by,
As you are now so once was I,
As I am now so you must be,
Prepare for death & follow me.
"The Haunting" The remake (Haunted House)
"Night of Dark Shadows" (Haunted house & Witch craft)
"The Changeling" (Another haunted house)
"House of Dark Shadows" (Vampire & ghost)
Before October is out, I plan to screan:
"Frankenstein" the original
"Mary Shelly's Frankenstein"
"Dracula" the original
"Bram Stokers Dracula"
"The Wolf Man"
"Son of Frankenstein"
"Ghost of Frankenstein"
"House of Frankenstein"
"Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man"
"House of Dracula"
"Race with the Devil"
"The Car"
"Ghost of Flight 401"
"Monster House"
And any others that I can think of or have not seen.
I already screaned:
"The Haunting" the original
"Resurection Mary"
"Psycho" Remake
"Halloween" the original