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American Haunting confusion???

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:19 pm
by Haunt Master
I saw that movie last year. It was pretty okay, so I really didn't like it - but when everything tied together in the end... I really have no idea what happened. :(

Can someone please explain to me what happened?? And, are they going to make "American Haunting 2" in the future?? I hope not! :roll:

Re: American Haunting confusion???

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:28 pm
by OctoberChill
I barely remember that movie. It's the story of the Bell witch right? I think at the end though it turns out he was molesting his daughter? Or am I just making stuff up? I know I saw it but it just wasn't that good of a movie. I don't remember it well.

Re: American Haunting confusion???

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:28 am
by jadewik

Yeah, it was about the Bell Witch. The movie blamed the whole witch thing on the Mr Bell... he molested his daughter who went crazy because her dad wouldn't keep his hands off her. She went crazy. She was screaming and it was her "aura" or inner-energy/tormented soul that caused things to happen. In the end, she poisons her father and the hauntings "stopped"... though, they say you can still hear the Bell Witch's laughter.

It was a sucky ending. I was disappointed. The rest of the movie wasn't too great either.